Arbitrage Rebate GILMORE & BELL A PRQF'"ESS10NAL CORPORATION 816-221-1000 f"AX: BI6-~21.10IB WWW.GILMORE:BCLL.COM ATTORNEYS AT LAW 2405 GRANO BOULEVARD. SUITE 1100 KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI 64108-2521 ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI WICHITA, KANSAS L.INCOL.N, NEBRASKA September 6, 2007 Mr. Rod'Franz, Finance Director City of Salina City Hall- 300 West Ash Salina, Kansas 67402 Re: Arbitrage Rebate Reqnirements and Proposal for City of Salina, Kansas - Multiple Issues (see Exhibit A attached) Dear Mr. Franz: Gilmore & Bell is named as the Rebate Analyst for the financings listed on Exhibit A. The purpose of this letter is to discuss the procedures we propose to follow in fulfilling our duties as Rebate Analyst. Rebate Computations Typically we recommend performing annual rebate computation updates along with an "installment computation" in conjunction with the fifth annual update. However, certain situations can arise that allow us to deviate from this recommendation and determine more suitable procedures for complying with the appropriate regulations. We suggest the following procedures for the referenced financings: Series 2006-1 Notes The Series 2006-1 Notes mature on August I, 2009. We suggest that an interim computation be completed as of August I, 2007. This will enable the City to anticipate and make provisions for payment of rebate should it be due. A final installment computation for the Notes will be necessary as of August 1, 2009. Series 2006-2 Notes The Series 2006-2 Notes mature on August I, 2007. We suggest that a computation be completed as of that date. This will be the final installment computation for the Notes. Series 2006-A Bonds and Series 2006-B Bonds It is not necessary to complete a rebate computation if there are no funds that potentially could be invested at an unrestricted interest rate. In these situations, rather than produce a rebate computation, we will simply issue a letter stating compliance with rebate regulations after confirming that any proceeds allocated to unrestricted funds were spent on or shortly after the issue date. We do not charge for this service. We believe both the Series 2006.A and Series 2006.B Bonds can be handled this way. According to the Federal Tax Certificates, a portion of the proceeds of each of these issues was deposited into each respective Improvement Fund. We will need for you to provide us with records so that we can confirm that all proceeds within each of these funds were spent and that either there were no investment earnings on this fund, or that any earnings were nominal. Upon receipt, we will issue letters as described above. Our fees for acting as Rebate Analyst will be as follows: . Series 2006-1 Notes - $1 ,500 for the first computation as of August I, 2007 and $1,000 for the subsequent installment computation. . Series 2006-2 Notes -$1,500 for the final computation on August 1,2007. All fees are payable at the time each computation is completed. As mentioned above, we do not charge for only confmning compliance with rebate regulations, as we believe we will be able to do with the Series 2006-A Bonds and Series 2006-B Bonds. In the event a rebate computation is required, we will contact you and provide a fee quote before proceeding with the calculation. Records We understand that the City is to provide us with copies of the account statements for all Series 2006-1 Notes and Series 2006-2 Notes. We will need statements and investment records for the Improvement Fund, the Principal and Interest Account, and the Rebate Fund in relation to each series. We typically will need the following information related to the investment of these funds: type of investment (e.g., treasury security, CD, money market, tax-exempt investment, etc.), purchase date and purchase price (including amounts paid as accrued interest), face amount, interest rate, frequency of interest payments, and sale or disposition price and date. We also need to know a date and general purpose (e.g., project costs, debt service, costs of issuance, etc.) of any expenditure of proceeds of your financing. We have found that these records are usually already available from one or more sources and it is NOT necessary to create special financial reports in order to get us the information we will need. Investment records can be provided electronically bye-mail totaxcomDliance@gilmorebell.com. If records are provided in hard copy form, please send them to Gilmore & Bell, P.C., Attention: Tax Compliance Group, 2405 Grand Boulevard, Suite 1100, Kansas City, MO 6410&. If you have any questions or concerns abo~t the foregoing, please call me. Very truly yours, 71~n~ Marc McCarty MCM:sg cc: Randy Irey Gina Riekhof Nancy Morris GILMORE & BELL, P.C. Accepted by: CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS A GU.MORE & BELL, P.C. EXHIDIT A . $1,800,000 City of Salina, Kansas, General Obligation Temporary Notes, Series 2006-1 (the "2006-1 Notes") . $5,200,000 City of Salina, Kansas, General Obligation Temporary Notes, Series 2006-2 (the "2006-2 Notes") . $2,200,000 City of Salina, Kansas, General Obligation Internal Improvement Bonds, Series 2006-A (the "2006-A Bonds") . $885,000 City of Salina, Kansas, General Obligation Internal Improvement Bonds, Series 2006-B (the "2006-B Bonds")