ROW/Temporary Construction EasementThis Agreemma t is made this „'_ day of De,± 2007 by and among DOROTRX E. WILT"ORD and BILL R. WILLWOM. wife and Lnsband, (collectively, the "Owner"). mid the CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS, a mhmicipal corporation, (the "City"), RECITALS A. The City, in eonjmcdoh with the South Ohio Imptovonent Project, wishes to "Vara from the Owner certmn rigritrof-way and a tempiuxwy conatrw4an easement affecting a ca-taam portion of lmtd owned by the Owner. a. The City has caused the zightdf-way and temporary construction easement to be acquired to be valued and has agtood upon a purchase Aloe with *a Owner. C. It is the desite of the Owaar to convey the tight OSwaty and tanporary omMiction easement to the City upon the fauns and conditiona contsi and in this Agreaneut. FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of unrtual and roaptocal ptntniaes and agreements set forth herein, the parties agree as follows_ 1. Qsm "zm'on of Biaht�f-Way The rigbt-of-way to be outrwriod by the Owe to the City shall be as depicted and lgpft described on the atiadwd and incorporated Exhibits A and B (the `Right -of -Way'). 2. V-vmajWon of 245.7 Sgom Foot JgWgy I amlad. The 245.7 square foot temporary construction casement to be conveyed by the Owner to the City shall be as depleted mrd legally desmbed on the attached mad nicompotated Exhibits C and D (rho "245.7 aqume foot Temporary Easemean- 3. C2muansatlon The QtY agrees to pay the Owner upon coling the total earn of Two Thousand Ono i unftcd Nioctom Dollars and T cry -Pisa Cents ($2,119.35) for the Rigid- of-Way ightof-Way end Temporary FJaement aotr"tin$ of the following: a Rigbtof-Way $1,619.35 b- 245.7 Square Foot Tempmary Easemcat Silo Total Compensation $2,119.35 5. The Owens agrees tbat the Right-qf-Way shall be conveyed to the city by the Owmes execution and delivery to the Qty of a Right -of -Way Deed idCracal to the copy attached as Etmibit E to this AVvemem The Owner aVves aid the Towpormy Easement shall be oonveyed to the City by the Owner's execution and delivety to the City of a Tempottary kwM�Klw M I nr Ter-acv-nMl.. CO/12 39vi NMJ3QNy M1 0/19-96Z-909 cn In I -1 17. lmT LZ:89 L9917/61/9i Easement *),- cot identical to the copy attached as RAM F to this Apvaarmt The RigDt.of- Way Dood and the Temporary Basement dommeat shat( be neowdcd by the City with the office of the Satin Caunty Register of Deeds, at the expense of the City. 6. Term of EQAM9 iao no Temporary Easement shall be effective for a tern mmmieacing upon the date of the Temporary Easement document and ending two years thereafter. 7. Covenant of Titie. The Owner covenants that it is the lawful owner of the real estate aB'bctod by the (tight -of -Way and Temporary Easeotent 9. Paetlal M011911110 QE QIbW lies R ta46 in those casae where the Owner's Pro Is mbjeM to In0rWV Or Other livor or encumbrances, the Owns: shall at closing deliver to the City a duly executed and adoaoMedsed Partial moatgsge release or release of hen, releasing that portion of ibe real estate to which the Mght-uf-Way relates tiom any mortgage of other lien eacumbran Any partial mortgage releeeso of other' lien release a a nimb shat! bo moorded by the. City with rho office of the Saline Coady Rehr of Deeds, at the mrpeuse of the City. 9. BOE Closing shall take plaoe on or before Ootober 31 ", 2007. At dosing the Owtie<shatl: a. deliver to the City the MY executed wad acknowledged Right -of -Way Deed wad Temporary Bascoacnt ;tend b. provide the City with mw other wnessary infottwhoa Satoh as the Owner's is ettrrart maili n address and tax identification nmhay at whieb timc the City shall pay owaef the total oo®perzs&u set Barth in paragraph (3) above. 10. Mmudmdale. The Ownces rights miler this Agtemtemt " not be assigned without the prior written consent of the City. 11- BlindlogjMwi, The team of this Aggoeinent shall be bmdiag upon mod nice to the beaalk of the hairs, executors, aerators, wucoemom and suave (zed assigns of the parties bexvto. -2- bR /Pn-,4)V,4 WMN-4fMt1 M I M f TQ..QC7-CMC 80JZ0 30Vd NOSa3QNV Ml 0LT9-98Z-505 Cr •ora )nrn 17n /nT LZ:80 L00Z/6T/0T 'N WITNESS WHERWF, the parties have hereantu set their hands the day and year fust above written. •.n )1 n nn"H C0/E0 39vd .,, l n. .Ltdc�texlY Dorothy P. vMKOV4 �— CITY OF SADA, ICANSAS AIf1C kIH MI NOSa3QNd M1 J - n• m nn� rnr 0L 19 -98Z -S05 �n •nn •nnv ren •n. ZZ:80 L00Z/8L/01 TRACT NO. 16 OWNER. Mildred L Miller, AREA: 4,500 square feet Revocable Trust and Mildred 1. Miller NW/4 S 31—T14S—R2W Scale I" = 100' Existing 30' Easement for 60.00' Road Right—of—Way Purposes of Beginning South line of NW/4 SW corner of NW/4 S 31—T14S—R2W The accompanying plat does not constitute a boundary survey. I 77 &COMPAW 1700 E. Iron Sauna, KS 67401 785-827-0433 Exhibit A South Ohio Street Project No: 85 U-2005-01 Tract 16 Mildred I. Miller, Revocable Trust and Mildred I. Miller RIGHT OF WAY A tract of land in the South half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 31, Township 14 South, Range 2 West of the 6�h P.M., in Saline County, Kansas and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the West line 292.00 feet North of the Southwest comer of said Quarter Section; Thence Easterly and parallel with the South line of said Quarter Section, a distance of 60.00 feet; Thence Northerly and parallel with the West line of said Quarter Section, a distance of 150.00 feet; Thence Westerly and parallel with the South line of said Quarter Section, a distance of 60.00 feet to a point on the West line of said Quarter Section; Thence Southerly along said West line, a distance of 150.00 feet to the Point of Beginning, Described tract contains Existing Easement for Road Right -of -Way Purposes contains New Acquisition contains 9,000 square feet, more or less 4,500 square feet, more or less 4,500 square feet, more or less 1'fJ7 j i -DS -D k�iNSh`'.• Q` �� SURV���� Exhibit B I EASEMENT ACQUISITION 0 OWNER: /Mildred I. Miller, Revocable Trust and Mildred I. Miller SALINA, KS 67401 _�l F A Tract in S%2 NW%4 Sec. 31 T14S R2W 7.02' TIE 0 0 7_02' P.O.B. I r4 Seo. Line LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 'This does not constitute a f)F 7 legal survey, drawing is for inf ormationot purposes only. Exhibit C PAGE I OF 9 South Ohio Street Project No: 85 U-2005-01 Tract 16 Mildred I. Miller, Revocable Trust and Mildred I. Miller TEMPORARY EASEMENT A tract of land in the South half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 31, Township 14 South, Range 2 West of the 6th P.M., in Saline County, Kansas and described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of said Quarter Section, thence on an assumed bearing of N 00 ° 11'45 E, along the west line of said Quarter Section, a distance 307.77 feet; Thence S 89°48' 15" E a distance of 60.00 feet to the point of beginning; Thence N 00 ° 11'45" E, parallel with and 60.00 feet perpendicular distance to said west line, a distance of 35.00 feet; Thence S 89 ° 48'15" E a distance of 7.02 feet; Thence S 00 ° 11'45" W a distance of 35.00 feet; Thence N 89 ° 48'15" W a distance of 7.02 feet to the point of beginning. Said tract contains 245.7 square feet, more or less. Exhibit D RIGHT-OF-WAY DEED THIS INDENTURE, made this _ day of October, 2007 by and among DOROTHY E. WILLIFORD, and BILL R. WILLIFORD, wife and husband, (collectively, the "Grantor"); and the CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS, a municipal corporation, (the "City"). WITNESSETH: That the Grantor, for good and valuable consideration, does hereby convey unto the City that certain portion of land owned by the Grantor as legally described on the attached and incorporated Exhibit A and depicted on the attached and incorporated Exhibit B as public right-of-way, in perpetuity, (the "Right -of -Way") for the purposes of locating, constructing, excavating, and maintaining: A. Public means of transportation including roadways, streets, bridges, sidewalks, paths, crosswalks, and traffic control devices; B. Public drainage structures including, but not limited to, culverts, pipes, levees, and channels; C. Public landscaping and other aesthetic improvements; and D. Poles, wires, conduit, pipeline, and junction boxes for the purposes of conducting, transmitting, and distributing water, sewage, electricity, gas, and electronic communications by the City, its franchisees, and its licensees. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has hereunto caused this instrument to be executed the day and year first above written. Dorothy E. Williford Bill R. Williford Exhibit E STATE OF NEW MEXICO, COUNTY, ss: This instrument was subscribed, sworn to, and acknowledged before me on October 2007, by Dorothy E. Williford. Notary Public STATE OF NEW MEXICO, COUNTY, ss: This instrument was subscribed, sworn to, and acknowledged before me on October 2007, by Bill R. Williford. Notary Public [A real estate sales validation questionnaire is not required pursuant to K.S.A. 79-1437e(a)(13)] -2- TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT THIS INDENTURE, made this _ day of October, 2007, DOROTHY E. WILLIFORD, and BILL R. WILLIFORD, wife and husband, (collectively, the "Grantor"); and the CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS, a municipal corporation, (the "City"): WITNESSETH: The Grantor, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant, bargain, sell, and convey unto the City, temporary construction easements in, through, over, and across a certain portion of land owned by the Grantor, as legally described and depicted on the attached and incorporated Exhibit A (the "Temporary Easements"), for all rights of ingress and egress of the City, its employees, contractors, and franchisees, for the purpose of matching grade between project improvements and improvements such as driveways and sidewalks, for a term of two (2) year commencing with the date of this indenture. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has signed this Temporary Construction Easement this _ day of October, 2007. Dorothy E. Williford Bill R. Williford Exhibit F STATE OF NEW MEXICO, COUNTY, ss: This instrument was subscribed, sworn to, and acknowledged before me on October 2007, by Dorothy E. Williford. Notary Public STATE OF NEW MEXICO, COUNTY, ss: This instrument was subscribed, sworn to, and acknowledged before me on October 2007, by Bill R. Williford. Notary Public [A real estate sales validation questionnaire is not required pursuant to K.S.A. 79-1437e(a)(13)] -2-