Parking Study II I I I I FEAS IBI LIlY REPORT I I I I 1-- 'I ,I I ~I -I -I 'I 'I -I ~___;1' ~ ,; / J CIy UR~IOI7 CITY or SALINA. KANSA~ / / ,/ ,/ . OFF-STREET BUCII~R f WILLIS CONSULTING ENGINEERS SALINA - K4NSAS CITV ,I 'I I. '1 'I 'I I I I .1 'I ,I I "I 'I I .1 I .1 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS CITY COMMISSION Don McCune, Mayor Carl Ramsey Harold Jaeger R. W. Bull Ra lph Exline Leland Srack, City Manager Harold F. Harper, City Engineer Ha.rold E. Peterson, City Clerk FEASIBILITY REPORT SALINA OFF-STREET PARKING PROGRAM November 1959 BUC H ER & WI LLIS CONSU LTING ENGINEERS Kansas City, Mo. Sa lina , Kans as CENTRAL BUSINESS D~STRICT II ~~<b PROPOSED PARKING PROGRAM SALINA, KANSAS BUCHER a WILLIS .CONSULTING ENGINEERS Q.~. ~ FEATURES OF CONSTRUCTION . COST AND FINANCING I I I I I I I I I ~. I I I I I t W I, ~,> V I: I'..... ' . I I: I i I l, ~... i. . -' f I I I , i I , G ENEHAL . SURVEY SCOPE TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1 2 2 4 4 "'1'.,: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SALINA OFF-STREET PARKING FEASIBILITY REPORT I GENERAL: a. The proposed program of providing additional off-street parking in Salina is to serve a very urgent need for additional parking spaces in the central business district. The project was initiated by business men and property owners, acting thru the Chamber of Commerce, who requested that the City Com mission take action to provide for this need. A Citizen's Committee, appointed by the Mayor, reported their recommendations to the City Commission. The City Commission engaged the firm of Bucher & Willis to prepare a detailed report on Off-Street Parking. This report, accepted in July 1959, described the volume of need, proposed the location of parking lots, described the approximate cost and recommended a method of financing the project. b. The July report recommended that 6 additional off-street parking lots be constructed and that the present lot on South 7th. Street be increased in size. The proposed project will provide 710 off-street parking spaces required to satisfy the present need for customer parking only. c. It was reported that there was also a need for approximately 700 addi- tional spaces to satisfy the need for private or employee parking. This need was judged not to be a proper cost to the benefit distr.ict as a whole, but rather an individual problem of each business owner or employee. d. This report recommends that the cost of a portion of the project be borne by the net parking meter revenue as an obligation assumed by the City-at-Large and the balance of the cost of the project be afforded by the benefit district property owners. This, then, is truly a .SELF-HELP" proj ect of the benefit district, making use of the powers of the City to ac- complish this much needed improvement in the Central Business District. e. The property owner:s of the central business district and the City-at- Large are understandably concerned about the lack of adequate parking. Also understandable is the present tendency of some of the businesses to look elsewhere than within the Central Business District for sites to sat- isfy their increased demand for retail area. Likewise, the customers, both urban and rural, are not captive but are free to do business where convenient facilities are provided. Recent relocation of several major retail businesses make this point crystal clea r. f. The present population of the City of Salina is 38,109. It is estimated 1 5th. St. N 100 Blk. 7th. st. N 100 Blk. 7th. St. S 100 Blk. 5th. St. S 100 Blk. TOTAL I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I that this population will increase to 56,000 in 1980, an increase of almost 50%. This should result in an increase of retail volume and in the number of shoppers in the same proportion, assuming adequate facilities are pro- vided. Thus a substantial increase in assessed valuation could be realized. This is important to the owners and to the City-at-Large. The 9i block area of the proposed benefit district presently provides over 10% of the property tax of the entire City. II SURVEY: a. The customer parking needs and the present supply was studied in a 30 block a'rea. It was determined that the deficiency of parking spaces in the proposed 9i block benefit district, described in the attached exhibit, justi- fies the proposed project. The additional spaces needed in each block deter- mined the desired general location of the lots and the size of each lot in each block. b. The location of the present off-street parking areas, listed below, was also considered. Lot #1 Lot #2 Lot #3 Lot #4 78 Spaces 38 Spaces 76 Spaces 72 Spaces 264 Spaces This installation of the proposed off-street parking program will make avail- ble a total of 1,794 parking spaces in the benefit district. This is estimated to be only the need to meet present parking requirements. III SCOPE: a. This project consists of the construction of 698 new off':'street parking spaces located in ,7 surface parking lots. All parking spaces will be served by parking meters. The lots will be located as shown on the attached master plan. These are: Lot #5A Lot #5 B Lot #6 Lot #7 Lot #8 Lot #3A Lot #10 N100 Blk. 5th. St. N100 Blk. 5th. St. S100 Blk. 5th. St. S200 Blk. 5th. St. N100 Blk. 7th. st. S100 Blk. 7th. st. S200 Blk. 7th. St. TOT A L 50 Spaces 65 Spaces 90 Spaces 74 Spaces 138 Spaces 78 Spaces 203 Spaces 698 Spaces 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I b. These proposed parking lots are situated to provide an equitable distri- bution of spaces in accordance with the need, with due consideration being given to functional location and economy of property values. A professional appraisal of all properties under consideration for purchase was made to enable a proper compara,sion of alternate locations and to make a realistic estimate of project costs. c. It is believed that the number of spaces herein recommended are the maximum number of spaces of surface parking that can be justified within the benefit district. Multi-story parking garages, constructed in stages, as required, are recommended to satisfy the futurE3 need for off-street parking. This future need is estimated, based on l~% groWth in population per year in Salina, to accrue a total need of approximately 700 additional spaces by 1980. d. The cost of property and the one-way street traffic pattern dictated that the proposed lots be constructed other than on Santa Fe. It is impara- ,tive, therefore, that pedestrian walk-ways (arcades) be provIded from 5th. and' 7th. Streets, thru the middle of the block to Santa Fe, to attain maximum value of the lots through use by the customers. e. The proposed parking lots are situated to provide a minimum walking distance for customers and yet cause relocation of the minimum number of businesses. The proposed program inchJ,des 45 properties, of which 20 properties are residences. These 45 properties have an assessed valuation of $241,000 and yield an annual tax revenue of about $18,300. Should all businesses displaced by this project relocate outside of the benefit district, an unlikely and undesired condition, the loss in assessed valuation would total 6 percent. of the valuation of the benefit district. f. It is probable that the remaining properties in the benefit district will, by virtue of adequate parking and other growth facilities, experience a gain in valuation thru improvement of existing businesses and thru installation of new businesses. This gain in assessed valuation should approximate the percent of increase in population of the City (estimated at 1~ percent per year). It is tnerefore estimated that the immediate loss of 6 percent in property tax revenue in the benefit district would be replaced in 3 years due to the above increase affected by population increases. Following this 3 year period, the valuation would certainly continue to increase, accruing value to both the property owners and to the City-at-Large. g. Due to availability of several presently vacant business buildings and the existence of many building sites in the benefit district, it is opinioned that any businesses desiring to relocate within the benefit district can find space to do so. Also, it is important to recount that these businesses may relocate in the benefit district with the assurance that an ~dequate num ber 3 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I of off-street parking spaces have been provided for the operation of their businesses. This should be a substantial encouragement for these businesse~ to relocate within the benefit district. h. The benefit district limits were deterri:d,ned on the basis of need for additional parking and benefit derived from the proposed parking lots. The limits are displayed in the exhibits herein. IV FEATURES OF CONSTRUCTION: a. The proposed parking lots are intended to be surfaced and curbed with Portland cement concrete and adequately drained with storm inlets and sewers. The lots are arranged to provide a minimum of entrances on the main streets to avoid traffic congestion, but do provide adequate room for circulation with- in the lot. Lighting will be provided over the parking area to an intensity e- qual or greater than the present street lighting., Each parking space will be marked with painted marking lanes and served by a parking meter. Barrier posts and interior barricade curbs are being considered for use on the lots. Three public rest rooms will be constructed adjacent to the arcades to serve the parking lot customers. The installation of coin changers is being consi- dered as a desirable feature. The meter time-limits of 1 hour to 6 hours will be provided to accomodate the short and long term customers. b. In order to achieve a satisfactory appearance of the adjacent walls of the new parking lots, billboards, barrier structures or wall surfacing will be erected~ These will be suitable as a screen or may, at the discretion of the City, be used for advertising purposes. The display of a City Directory is a common use of such areas. c. The arcades will be constructed of finished brick or metal walls and concrete floors, and in some instances, when passing thru the 1st. floor of a two-story building, the arcade will have a finished roof. In the event of a covered arcade, adequate lighting will be provided in the roof. Where the arcade is uncovered, the wall will be 8 feet high with overhead lights. "- Therefore, all arcade walls, placed on City property, will control the y.ralls with regard to business frontage onto these arcades. It is intended that cross-walks be permitted to cross the street at or near the arcade entran- ces. Suitable signs will be installed to identify the arcade entrances and the parking lots. The parking lots will become property of the City and will be policed and maintained by the City~ V COST AND FINANCING: a. The cost of the project is estimated as follows: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Land Acquisition Construction Cost Legal, Appraisal, Engin~ering & Administrative Interest during Construction ESTIMATED TOTAL PROJECT COST b. $ 910,000 320,000 100,000 100,000 $1,430,000 The repayment of this cost is estimated as follows: General Obligation of the City - 40% (Meter Revenue) Benefit District Obligation - 60% (Special Assessments) TOTAL Bond .Principal $ ,572,000 858,000 $1,430,000 The amount of contribution by the City-at-large, 40% of the total project cost, is the maximum amount of funds available from the revenue of all parking meters in the benefit district. This is believed to be a fair and equitable approportionment of the costs of this "self-help" project initiated by the benefit district. c. d. Each property owner in the benefit district will be assessed based. on area of land and assessed valuation of land only (tax reco~ds) for re- payment of 60% of the project cost. The obligation of the benefit district, in accordance with the recent "20-year public improvement law", may be retired within 30 days of assessement on final completion of the projectfor the assessed principal amount or may be retired over a 20 year period, interest charges being added thereto. e. For comparative purposes the benefit assessments to typical owners of 50' x 12Q' property in each of the portions of the district are shown below: Benefit District Assessment Area. Total Assessment Area. Sq. Ft. 5th. St. - 100 Blk. N&S 231, 000 200 Blk. S 156, QOO Santa Fe - 100 Blk. N&S 353,580 200 Blk. S 176,458 7th. St. - 100 Blk. N&S 279,800 8th. St. - 100 :elk. N&S 76,800 TOTAL 1,273,647 sq. Total Principal. Rate per Sq. Ft. 0.433 0.-184 1.303 0.460 0.584 0.313 ft. 5 Total Principal Obligation. 2,589 1,104 7,818 2,760 3,504 1,878 Annua 1 Principal Obligation. (20-yr. period) 130 55 391 138 175 94 f. The assessments shown above are derived on the basis of the total assessed valuation of land only in each portion of the benefit district. By way of explana- tion an example is given below: 5th. Street - 100 Blk. N&S Asses. Rate = 60% Total Project Cost X Asses.. \[alu. 5th. St. 100 Blk. N&S Total assessed valuation No. of Sq. Ft. 5th. St. 100 blk. N.&S Asses. Rate = ~858, 000 X $1,674, 510 $195,200 _ / 231,000 - $. O. 433 sq. ft. Total Principal Obligation = 6000 sq. ft. x $0.433/sq. ft. = $2, 598.00 50 ft. x 120 ft. lot. g. Assessed land values were used in determining the assessment rate since this should be a proper appraisal of the land value of record which properly describes the relative potential value of the property. The relative potential value of the property, without regard to present use, is a realistic assessemEmt factor upon which to base a long term improvement project. The unit of area in square feet was employed in preference to front footage or other methods due to simplicity with regard to double frontages. h. These assessments are certainly justifiable as reasonable, functional and feasible measure to assist in the protection of property values of the central business district. i. We, therefore, heartily recommend that this project be accepted in the form and manner herein displayed. 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LIST OF EXHIBITS Map of Salina Showing Location of Benefit District Final Plan of Off-Street Parking Progra m Typical View of Parking Lot Typical View of Arcade View of Existing Locations for Proposed Lot No. 5A & No. 5B View of Existing Locations for Proposed Lot No. 6 View of Existing Locations for Proposed Lot No. 7 View of Existing Locations for Proposed Lot No. 8 View of Existing Locations for Proposed Lot No. 3A View of Existing Locations for Proposed Lot No. 10 Layout of Proposed Lot No. 5A & 5B Layout of Proposed Lot No. 6 Layout of Proposed Lot No. 7 Layout of Proposed Lot No. 8 Layout of Proposed Lot No. 3A Layout of Proposed Lot No. 10 I , I f- I \J '--"__~_, f-- I r i I J L ~ . < r ~ . \ .1 I I I I I I I .1 I I I I I I I I I I BUCHER a WILLIS r-~~ ~ ^ !r1 \ ) ~ 'J~--- ~ ~l~ )F - · ~l' ~-.:f.J 9 f- A ~/-- - I j I I r -~ r- I - I J >< I ^---_ -- L:__ I \~ J ~ \ '\ II ~~\ \v- I '\ : ~-11- ~~ ~._------- EXHIBIT NO. 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I I I, , , I I I' I I I I - - -.- ._:'_. ..- ._.- _..._..- -_.'. ..- ..- - - - Salina Off-Street Parking - Lot 5A & 5B 5th Street - North 100 Block View to northwest - - - - - - _.- - - - - - - - -~- - - Salina Off-Street Parking - Lot No. 6 5th Street - South 100 Block View to southwest - - - - -. - - - - - - - - ...- - - - - - Salina Off-Street Parking - Lot No. 5th street - South 200 Block View to northwest ------------------- --- -r~~;~T~.~ .. .. - .. ,--- . ....-- -- -- -'---' "'_ J Salina Off-Street Parking - Lot No. 8 "'~.. 7th Street - North 100 Block 4 View to southwest - I I I I Ii I 'I II II I II II I I I I I I I .,- '.- '.' .' 0 0', o '.., ,".,,', .... '.' . - . o . ,'- ..... . . .',. .' ' .. .":- . " . -,.' 0.' '.... , . . , . . . - - . ..-....... ,-...,_........'. -.............-."'. - . ~ ..' ".. ." ." .,.. .. . _."._~. ,_;4' -.... ....~. o - .- ..4....... ...... . '.:~ - I I I I I I I I I I I I. I ! I I III I ,II i ,I I I I I .> ~ ;:I. 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I I I -- ____P__JZQ'.:-_Q:~ --1 EXHIBIT NO, 6F N ~ ~ i ~ BUCHER 8 WILLIS OFF- STREET PARKING PROGRAM I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX TABULATION OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS CONTENTS St reet North 100 Block East Side of 5th. Street South 100 Block East Side of 5th. Street South 200 Block East Side of 5th. Street North 100 Block West Side of 5th. Street South 100 Block West Side of 5th. Street South 200 Block West Side of 5th. Street North 100 Block East Side of Santa Fe South 100 Block East Side of Santa Fe South 200 Block East Side of Santa Fe North 100 Block West Side of Santa. Fe South 100 Block West Side of Santa Fe South 200 Block W es t Bide of Santa Fe North 100 Block East Side of 7th. Street South 100 Block East Side of 7th. Street South 200 Block East Side of 7th. Street North 100 Block West Side of 7th. Street South 100 Block West Side of 7th. Street North 100 Block East Side of 8th. Street South 100 Block East Side of 8th. Street Page , 1 1 - 2 2 - 3 . 3. 3 -4 4 5 6-7 7 7 - 8 8 - 9 9 - 10 10 10 - 11 11 - 12 12 12 - 13 13 13 - 14 I I S AL I N A 0 F F -8 T R E E T PAR KIN G I ASSESSMENT DATA Land Assess ment Total I Parcel No. Description Area Rate Assessment (sq. ft. ) North 100 Block East Side of 5th. Street I 1 Lot 79 6,000 $.433 $ 2,598 I 2 Lot 81, 83, 85 & 87 & m of 89 27,000*** si of Lot 89 3,000 3 .433 1,299 I 4 N 48.8' of Lot 91 5,856 .433 2,536 I 5 S 1. 2' of Lot 91 & N 41. 7 of Lot 93 5,148 .433 2,229 I 6 S 8.3' of Lot 93 & Lot 95 6,996 .433 3,029 7 Lot 97 6,000 .433 . 2,598 I 8 Lot 99 & m of Lot 101 9,000 .433 3,897 I 9 si of Lot 101 & m of Lot 103 6,000 .433 2,598 si of Lot 103 3,000 10 .433 1,299 I 11 Lot 105 6,000 .433 2,598 I 12 Lot 107 6,000 .433 2,598 South 100 Block East Side of 5th. Street I 13 E72'Lots 109-111 &E72' of N15' of Lot 113 8,280 .433 3,585 I 14 W48' Lots 109-111 & W48' of N15' of Lot 113 5,520 .433 2,390 I 15 S 35' of Lot 113 4,200 .433 1,819 I 16 m of Lot 115 3,000 .433 1,299 17 si of Lot 115 & Lot 117 9,000 .433 3,897 I 1 I I ASSESSMENT DATA I Land Assessment Total Parcel No. Description Area Rate Assessment (sq. ft. ) I South 100 Block East Side of Santa Fe 103 E25' of Lot 109 & E25'Nt I of Lot 111 1,875 1. 303 2,443 104 W20' of E45' Lot 109 & W20' I of E45' Nt of Lot 111 1,500 1. 303 1,955 105 W25' of E70' Lot 109 & W25' I of E70' Nt of Lot 111 1,875 1. 303 2,443 106 E25' of W50' Lot 109 & 111 2,500 1.303 3,258 I 107 W25' of Lot 109 & 111 2,500 1. 303 3,258 I 108 E70' st of Lot 111 1,750 1. 303 2,280 109 Nt of Lot 113 3,000 1. 303 3,909 I 110 st of Lot 113 3,000 1. 303 3,909 I 111 Nt of Lot 115 3,000 1. 303 3,909 112 st of Lot 115 3,000 1. 303 3,909 I 113 Lot 11 7 6,000 1. 303 .7,818 I 114 I%- of Lot 119 3,000 1. 303 3,909 115 st of Lot 119 3,000 1. 303 3,909 I 116 Nt of Lot 121 1,500** 1. 303 1,955 I 117 st of Lot 121 3,000 1. 303 3,909 118 Nt of Lot 123 3,000 1. 303 3,909 I 119 st of Lot 123 & Nt of Lot 125 6,000 1. 303 7,818 I 120 N24' of S 25' of Lot 125 2,880 1. 303 3,753 121 Sl' of Lot 125 & Lot 127 & I Lot 129 12,120 1. 303 15,792 I 122 Lot 131 & N7t" of Lot 133 6,072 1. 303 7,912 I 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ASSESSMENT DATA Land Assessment Total Parcel No. Description Area Rate Assessment 268 Lot 129 6,000* 269 Lot 131 & Lot 133 12,000 .313 3,756 270 Lot 135 6,000 .313 1,878 271 Lot 137 6,000 .313 1,878 * Taken for Proposed Off-Street Parking Lot ** Taken in Part for Proposed Arcades *** Church or City Property - Non-assessable. 14