Kansas Wesleyan Bonds CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL ISSUER: Kansas Independent College Finance Authority GOVERNMENTAL UNIT: City of Salina, Kansas AMOUNT REQUESTED: $8,000,000 PROJECT OBLIGOR: Kansas Wesleyan University PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The issuance of the Issuer's revenue bonds in an amount not to exceed $8,000,000, to provide funds to make a loan to the Project Obligor for the purposes set forth in the attached notice of public hearing. PUBLIC HEARING DATE: May 24, 2007 J NEWSPAPER! PUBLICATION DATE: The Salina JournallMay 10, 2007 The Wichita EaglelMay 10, 2007 I, the undersigned, Mayor of the City of Salina, the governmental unit having jurisdiction over the above-named Issuer, certify that I am the chief elected executive officer of the City of Salina. I have been informed by the Issuer that on the above-stated public hearing date a public hearing was held concerning the request by the above-named Project Obligor that the Issuer issue its revenue bonds to finance costs of the above-described Project. Attached hereto are affidavits of publication which reflects that notice of the public hearing was published not less than 14 days prior to the scheduled public hearing date in the above-referenced newspapers. Based on the foregoing, the issuance of revenue bonds by the Issuer to finance costs of the Project is in the best interests of the City of Salina, and is hereby approved in accordance with the requirements of Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code. This approval does not impose any liability on the City of Salina or in any way involve the City in the issuance of the bonds or the proposed Project but is an accommodation by the City to satisfy the requirements of the Internal Revenue Code. Dated: May 24, 2007