83-3674 Auth Sullivan Addition Improvements1 1 (Published in The Salina Journal &\Aa_)�tE `w 1983) A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND ORDERING CERTAIN CURBING, GUTTERING, PAVING, GRADING IMPROVEMENTS, ESTIMATING THE COST THEREOF, ORDERING PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND THE ESTIMATE OF COSTS. WHEREAS, a petition was filed with the City Clerk on the 7th day of October, 1983, proposing certain curbing, guttering, paving, grading improvements; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the City of Salina, Kansas, did on the 24th day of October, 1983, find such petition to be sufficient; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the City of Salina, Kansas, did on the 7th day of November, 1983, duly adopt a resolution finding it advisable to make the aforementioned improvements under the provisions of Chapter 12, Article 6a of the Kansas Statutes Annotated, SO NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas: Section 1. That the following improvements are hereby authorized to be made in accordance with the findings of the Board of Commissioners: Curbing, guttering, paving, grading the frontage road adjacent to Sullivan Addition, beginning at a point 498.02' north of the north line of Sullivan Drive, thence to the south line of Sullivan Drive. Lateral Sanitary Sewer 632 Water main improvements Section 2. The extent or boundaries of the proposed improvement district to Fe is: That part of the City of Salina, Saline County, Kansas, described as follows, to -wit: The North 318.69' of the South 816.7' of Lot 1 , Block 1 , Sullivan Addition. The South 498.02' of Lot 1, Block 1, Sullivan Addition. A tract of land located in the South half (SI) of the Southeast Quarter (SES) of Section Thirty-five (35), Township Fourteen (14) South, Range Three (3) West of the Sixth Principal Meridian in. Saline County, Kansas, more particularly desdribed as follows: Beginning at a point 1,079.71 feet North of and 70.93 feet West of the southeast corner of said Section, said point also being on the west right-of-way line of old U.S. 81 Highway; Thence North 89033' West a distance of 904.251; Thence North 0037' East along the east right-of-way line of Interstate Highway 135 a distance of 250.01; Thence South 89133' East along the north line of said south half of the Southeast Quarter of said Section a distance of 903.0' to a point on the west right-of-way line of old U.S. 81 Highway, said point also being 72.0 feet west of the northeast corner of the south half of the Southeast Quarter; Thence South 0027' West along said right-of-way line of old U.S. 81 Highway a distance of 250.0' to the point of beginning. Said tract of land contains 5.18 acres, more or less. 1 1 Section 3. The estimated or probable cost of such improvement is $119,301.00. Section 4. The apportionment of cost between the improvment district and the City -at -large is as follows: 1. Costs chargeable to private property in the amount of $112,803.50. 2. Costs chargeable to the City -at -large in the amount of $6,497.50. Section 5. The assessment with accrued interest shall be levied as a special tax upon the property included within the benefit district concurrent with the general property taxes and shall be payable in ten (10) equal annual installments. Section 6. The method of assessment shall be based on the adjusted front footage o� each lot of land and without regard to the buildings or improvements of the land. Section 7. That the City Engineer be and is hereby directed and ordered to prepare plans and specifications, and estimates of the cost of said improvements. Section 8. That for the purpose of providing funds to pay the cost of such improvements until bonds can be issued therefor, the Mayor and City Clerk be and they are hereby authorized to execute temporary notes of the City of Salina, Kansas, as provided by K.S.A. 10-123 and 12-6a04, not to exceed the aggregate provided by law. Such temporary notes may be issued by Resolution from time to time as required during the progress of the work on the improvements herein recited. Such temporary notes shall be in the form and executed as provided by law. Section 9. That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make progress payments to the contractors for materials furnished and labor performed under the contract when estimates therefor are presented to him which have been properly certified by the City Engineer, so long as the aggregate payments do not exceed the total contract price. Adopted by the Board of Commissioners and signed by the Mayor this 14th day of November, 1983. (SEAL) ATTEST: D. L. Harrison, City Clerk '�4 -7. 6'UP'V"ZXd o n urgess, ayor Min Bcc;t.. Page Affidavit of Publication' Following is a true and correct copy of -sol uci together with proof of publication of the same. on 'iui,lber 33-36 4 '"Section 4 The„apportionment 'o (Published In The Salina Journal . ,cost between the improvement, di. November 18, 1983 ) RESOLUTION NUMBER 83-3674 ic't and the Cit at•lar a is as`follows: gg j Costs chargedlileTo. private A RESOLUT16N AUTHORIZING AND ORDERING CERTAIN CURBING, GUT TERING, PAVING, GRADING IM'2+rCosis,;char i property m t`he amount of 5112 803 SQ AFFIDAVIT ' PROVEMENTS, ESTIMATING THE COST eable'#to the City at g k€ y THEREOF, ORDERING 'PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND lar a in the amount of 56,4 , g ss Section 5. The assessment with ac' trued interest shall be leweclUs c i ��r {` I+ Paul G. .111ebb THE ESTIMATE OF COSTS. WHEREAS, a petition was filed with {the City Clerk on the 7th dayiof.Octo;• special tax upon the property,includl 'ed within the benefit district con-�- {{ber, 1983, proposing 'certain curbing; rent ,with the general' property oxes P r vidll�be beingfirst duly sworn according to law declare that I am y g guttering,, .pa g g g ,. P vin gradin?' im rove- ments; and ecs:,; and payable in ten (10) equal i annual installments:” h r:A WHEREAS, the. Board of Commis sioners of the City of Salina, Kansas; Section 6. The method vof 4asisesssp ment shall be based on the adiust�ed q, , . the i �arketi nc, Di rector did on the 24th day of October, `1983, � "find such petition to be suffinent and' front footage of each, lot of land:MW (without regard to the"buildings' or iso- WHEREAS, the Board of to of the City of Salma,.'Kansas- provemenis of the;land. 'Section 7. That the4City Engineer be manager of the Salina 1 i n a J o u i^.1 a g did on the 7th' day of November M 1983, duly adopt•a resolution finding and is hereby direct'edaand ordered to prepare plans and specifications, and it advisable to make the aforemen {i fes of the cost$of said +m'prove- a newspaper published in the City of Salina, Saline tioned improvements under the`provi cions of Chapter 12, Article 6a; of the lments r5ection 8 Tha'Afor the ur ose of providing funds to P P gyp. the Kanso`s Statutes"Annotated, SO NOW, THEREFORE g ZPpy cost of (such improvements until bonds, can County, Kansas, and of a general circulation in said city, y ,., r r BE IT RESOLVED by the Governing Bodygof.the.City of,Solino,;Kansas T be issued therefor;,,the the Ma or and �., )i OU City Clerk be a"ec they are `to n6te- 'temporary v Section 1, That,the following im 'provements are hereby authorised to thonzed execute rar notes o of.,ihe City of Salina, Kbnsas,las 'pro- and continually and uninterruptedly published for more be,mbde in accordance with the find- togs of the Board of Commissioners vided by K.S:A. �:`10�-"123 and 12.6a04, not to exceed the oggregote,provided d - Curbing, gutterin ,paving, grading g the frontage road adjacent to Sulli- by law. Such tempo' ry notes may be issued by ,Resolution' from Time to a. than one year prior to the date of the attaches van Addition, beginning at point s" g p north of�the north line of I .7+me as requved$during the progri�ss ofasthe work onf the; improv"ements ` ` Sullivan Dr ve thence to th2' e south herein recited SucFiEtempor�ry notes shall be in the form ,*L' Resolution Number O -3J / f line of Sullivan Drive t' lateral Sanitary Sewer 632 and exeWtedtas, provided by law g w+. .t•, Section 9. ' - - Water main improvements. * That the City Cleurk is hereby autfioraed'a�nd directe�d "to' and that said e5o1 U�1 On i` ti U0 I ,N �3-374 Section 2. ,The extent or. boundaries of the pro posed improvement district moke progress payments to theme can - tractors for furnished+and ' to.be assessed4s: t ' That part of the {sty of'Salina, SO- moteno'Is labor performed under the coniroct was correc pu 1Ls ed of the date of line Comity, Kansas, described as .seined follows, to -wit: F when estimates rttherefor; ,are pre= t' h it `wFiich have been -prof d.. - - Vhe North 318.69' of the South 816.7' of Lot. 1; -Block 1 Sullivan Ad- - Perly, certifiedk"by the Cit' E�nginee so long as the aggregate, payments lido. erll�e r i 10 rdition. an urther I say not. \"The do not exceed the foto ,contract price' , South 498.02' of Lot 1, Block 1, Sullivan Addition. A land Adopted by the Board of`Commission,- ers and., si ned, �b` the Ma or. this 14th y tract of located in the South half (S'/0 of the Southeast Quarter day of ovemberY 1483: ' — /'�� (SEI/,) of -Section •-•Thirty-five•. (35), I,_ /s/Johri F.'Burgess0 - Paul G s Webb Township Fourteen (14) South, Range Three (3) West of the Sixth Mayor ATTEST: i Principal Meridian in Saline County, /s/D.L. Harrison Kansas, more particularly described City Clerk as follows: Beginning ata point 1,079.71 feet SEAL (l t) ( ) North of cQ 70.93 feet West of^ -- Subscribed and sworn before me the southeast cornu of said Sec- .to tion, said point also being on the west right of way'Ime of.old U.S. r.: `3 (1 November tl y 03 81 Highway - ., Thence North 89°33 West a dis- 19 !'{ —tante of 90,4.251,# ; ' Thence =North 0°37' East along ,t the east right-of-way line of'?e ( state Highway 135 a distance of o 250.0'; Notary Public Thence south 89°33' East along �)7 the north line of said south half of -Southeast Quarter of said ROTARY PUBLIC - wto of KM _the Section a distance of to a , %point on the west right-ofight-o to D.L HARRISON line of old U.S. 81 Highway, said point, also',being 72.0 feet west of My Appt Exp. July 31, 1985 the northeast corner of the south holf,of the Quarter; Southeast Thence Souih 0°27' West along ' said. right -6f -'way line of old,U.S. 81 Highwayy,a`,disiance of 2500to " "= the point of beginning. = i Said tract+'of, land contains ..5.18 acres, more or less: ` "Section 3. The estimated or prob- able cost of such improvement is STATE OF KANSAS ) FILED FOR RECORD COUNTY OF .SALINE )} ss. IN, MY OFFICE AT 1 a�O'CLOCK�� p AND DULY . Al. NOVa �Ly"�.2 1983 /gpECC_ORDED ow OL f a-/..(...:�;�AT PAGE�/�4:�.. EG. OF DEEDS y'