83-3665 Adv Subdivision Imp Mayfair Addition1 1 RESOLUTION NUMBER 83-3665 (Published in The Salina Journal ai)xx IP , 1983) A RESOLUTION DETERMINING THE ADIVSABILITY OF CURBING, GUTTERING, PAVING, GRADING AND STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS, ESTIMATING THE COST THEREOF, DEFINING THE BOUNDARIES OF THE IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT, METHOD OF ASSESSMENT, AND APPORTIONING THE COST BETWEEN THE IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT AND THE CITY -AT -LARGE. WHEREAS, said improvements were requested by petition of those liable for the cost of the same, said proceedings shall be without notice, as provided by K.S.A. 12-6a04. BE IT RESOLVED by the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas: Section 1. That the Board of Commissioners of the City of Salina, Kansas, hereby ds and finally determines that- it is advisable to make the following improvements, to -wit: Curbing, guttering, paving, grading and storm sewer on LINDEN DRIVE from the north line of Nottingham Drive to the north line of Bentley Avenue Curbing, guttering, paving, grading and storm sewer on SHERWOOD LANE from the north line of Nottingham Drive to the west line of Huntington Road Curbing, guttering, paving, grading and storm sewer on BENTLEY AVENUE from the west line of Sherwood Lane to the east line of Linden Lane Curbing, guttering, paving, grading and storm sewer on HUNTI NGTON ROAD from the south line of Lot 7, Block 5 to the south line of Lot 9, Block 9, Mayfair Addition to the City of Salina, Saline County, Kansas. Section 2. The extent or boundaries of the proposed improvement district tome assessed is: That part of the City of Salina, Saline County, Kansas, described as follows, to -wit: Lots 9 S 10, Block 4; Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, Block 5; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Block 7; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, Block 8; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, Block 9; All in Mayfair Addition Section 3. The estimated or probable cost of such improvement is $251,295.00. Section 4. The apportionment of cost between the improvment district and the C tty a targe is as follows: 1. Costs chargeable to private property in the amount of $251,295.00. 2. No costs chargeable to the City -at -large. Section 5. The assessment with accrued interest shall be levied as a special tax upon the property included within the benefit district concurrent with the general property taxes and shall be payable in ten (10) equal annual installments. Section 6. The method of assessment shall be based on the adjusted front footageoTeach lot of land and without regard to the buildings or improvements of the land. Section 7. That the advisability of the improvements set forth -herein is hereby estabTished without notice and hearing, as authorized by K.S.A. 12-6a040) . Adopted by the Board of Commissioners and signed by the Mayor this 17th day of October, 1983. 1 (SEAL) ATTEST: 1 94a','o.. -- arrison, City Clerk Affidavit of Publication Following is a true and correct copy of together with proof of publicatiori of the same. sol u -.i on,iium, ber 33-306 AFFIDAVIT I, Paul G. Webb being first duly sworn according to law declare that I am the �'Iarketing Director manager of the Sal i,ha Journal. a newspaper published , in the City of Salina, Saline County, Kansas, and of a general circulation in said city, and continually.and uninterruptedly published for more than one year prior. to the date of the attached Resolution 1urober. 33-3005 - and that said Resol u t i on !1uiiiber 33-3:;03 was corse publish of the date of' Octo' er 1, 19 33e-nrt/her say not. Subscribed and sworn to before me October 24, > , 19 3s Notary. Public '� :3ii5aS y+�s.rrrr. Y L �► ADOt Exp. ,Atq 82,1985 (published in The Salina Journal October 21 1983) RESOLUTION NO. 83.3665 +A, RESOLUTION DETERMINING THE` ,ADVISABILITY OF Cil RBING,'GUTTER„' JNG ,PAVING, GRADING AND STORM, SEWER IMPROVEMENTS,. ESTIMATING, 'rHE COST THEREOF, DEFINING THE 'BOUNDARIES OF THE IMPROVEMENT] DISTRICT;' -METHOD' OF ASSESSMENT,: AND' APPORTIONING THE COST BE -1 rPWEEN THE IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT AND -THE CITY -AT -LARGE. ' "WHEREAS','sdid improvements weref •requested by petition of .those liablei for the cost of the some, said pro -I 'ceedings shall be without notice; as provided. by.K S.A. _.12.6a04. BE, IT RESOLVED„ by .the Governing Body of the.City of Salina, Kansas: Section 1. That the Board of Com- missioners of the City of Salina, Kan ,so$, hereby finds and finallydeter-I mines'that itis advisabl6'to make the following improvements to -wit: I Cutbingt'guttenng, paving; grading ++++ and storm•sewer on LINDEN DRIVE t • from the north .line'of NottingKom!!!! Drive to the north line of Bentley Avenue" Curbing,., guttering, paving, grading and,.storm.,sewer on SHERWOOD+ LANE from,the north line of Not-+{ •tingham Drive,to the,west line of l b Huntington Road Curbing, guttering, ,paving, grading and storm sewer on BENTLEY :.AVE- NUE from the west line of Sher wood Lane'to'the east line'of Lind en Lane ' • i Curbing,-gutfering', paying, grdding` and storm -sewer on HUNTINGTON ROAD -from the south line of Lot 7,' Block 5 to tk6 south line of Lot ,9; Block 9, Mayfair Addition to the „City of, Salina, Saline County, Kan- sas. Section 2. ,The!extent ,or bound- aries of the proposed improvement ;district to be assessed is: That part of the City of Salina, Saline County Kansas, described as follows, to -wit ' , Lots 9 8 10, Block 4; Lots'.4 5, 6, 7,"8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, Block 5:< ` - Lots 1, 2, 3`, 4; 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10; Block 7: -Lots 1, 2,..3, 4 5, 6, 7,'8,.9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ,16,. Block 8: Lots 1, 2,,3;.4, 5,;6, 6, 7, 8 9, 10,1 11, 12,13; 14, 15, 16, Block All .in Mayfair,Addition Section 3. The estimated or prob' ,able cost of such improvement, isl -:n251,295.00. Section 4': The apportionment :ofj c'ost'between the improvement dastr•' ict and the 'City -at -large is as follows:'; 1. Costs'chargeable to private prop_,•, erty-in the amount of $251,295. j' 2, No costs. chargeable to the City at large. , Section •5:: The; assessment with ac - 'trued interest -shall be levied as a special tax ,upon the property includ- ed within the benefit district concur- rent with the general property taxes) and shall be payable in'ten (10) equalf annual instgllments: 11 Sect,on-6.'7he method of assessment nhali be based on the adjusted front footage of each lot'of land and with- out regard to the buildings or im•1 provements of the land. i Section, 7. That the advisability ofl the improvements• set forth herein is hereby established without notice and hearing, as authorized by K.S.A. 12- 6x04(1) Adopted- by the'Board of Commis sionors and signed::bythe Mayor this` 17th day of October, 1983. John F Burgess, Mayor. .. ATTEST: D.L. Harrison, City Clerk (SEAL) (tk)'