83-3664 Adv Water Main Imp Village of Loretto11 1 (Published in The Salina Journal, 1983) A RESOLUTION DETERMINING THE ADVISABILITY OF WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS, ESTIMATING THE COST THEREOF, DEFINING THE BOUNDARIES OF THE IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT, METHOD OF ASSESSMENT, AND APPORTIONIN THE COST BETWEEN THE IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT AND THE CITY -AT -LARGE. WHEREAS, said improvements were requested by petition of those liable for the cost of the same, said proceedings shall be without notice, as provided by K.S.A. 12-6a04. BE IT RESOLVED by the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas: Section 1. That the Board of Commissioners of the City of Salina, Kansas, hereby finds and finally determines that it is advisable to make the following improvements, to -wit: Water Main improvements in Cloud Street to serve property on both sides of Cloud Street from Parkwood Drive, east to the flood control right-of-way. Section 2. The extent or boundaries of the proposed improvement district toUe assessed is: That part of the City of Salina, Saline County, Kansas, described as follows, to -wit: The North 300' of the West 9019" of Lot 11 , Village of Loretto. The North 300' of the East 90'9" of the West 18116" of Lot 11 , Village of Loretto. The North 300' of the West 30' of the East 17218" of Lot 11 , Village of Loretto. The North 300' of the East 14218" of Lot 11, Village of Loretto. The North 300' of Lot 12, Village of Loretto. The North 300' of the West 50' of Lot 13, Village of Loretto. The North 300' of Lot 13 except the West 50' thereof, Village of Loretto. The North 300' of the West 105' of the North half of the Northeast Quarter (NINEJ) of Section 30, Township 14 South, Range 2 West, lying north of the Smoky Hill River. The North 300' of part of the North half of the Northeast Quarter (NINEJ), north of the Smoky Hill River, beginning at a point 105' East of the northwest corner of the Northeast Quarter, thence east to the flood control right-of-way, thence southwesterly to the center of the Smoky Hill River, thence north to the point of beginning, all in Section 30, Township 14 South, Range 2 West, in Saline County, Kansas. The South 300' of the East 215.5' of the West 425' of the South 500' of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SEJSWJ) of Section 19, Township 14 South, Range 2 West, in Saline County, Kansas The South 300' of the West 594' of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SEJSWk) of Section 19, Township 14 South, Range 2 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, except the following described tract beginning at the southwest corner of said Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SEkSWk) of said Section 19; Thence East 425'; Thence North 5001; Thence West 4251; Thence South 500' to the place of beginning. 1 1 The South 300' of a tract of land in the Southwest Quarter (SWC) of Section 19, Township 14 South, Range 2 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian in Saline County, Kansas, more particularly described as follows, to -wit: Beginning at a point on the south line of Section 19-14-2 and 438' west of the south quarter corner of said section; Thence north at an angle of 90035' (west to north), a distance of 715.7'; Thence easterly at an angle of 92052' (south to east) a distance of 448.4' to a point on the east line of the Southwest Quarter (SWC) of Section 19-14-2; Thence north along the east line of said quarter section a distance of 604.7' to the northeast corner of the Southeast Quarter of the South of Section 19-14-2; Thence west along the north line of said quarter quarter section a distance of 726'; Thence south and parallel with the east line of said quarter section a distance of 1,320' to a point on the south line of said quarter section; Thence east along the south line of said quarter section a distance of 288' to the point of beginning and containing 14.6 acres more or less. The South 300' of a tract of land in the Southwest Quarter (SWk) of Section 19, Township 14 South, Range 2 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian in Saline County, Kansas, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of the Southwest Quarter (SWJ) of Section 19-14-2; Thence west along the south line of said quarter section a distance of 248' to a point; Thence on a bearing of N.00471E, a distance of 184' to a point; Thence on a bearing of N.880411W, a distance of 126' to a point; Thence on a bearing of S.00391W, a distance of 187' to a point on the south line of said section; Thence on a bearing of WEST, along the south line of said Section a distance of 65' to a point; Thence on a bearing of N.00351E. a distance of 715.7' to a point; Thence on a bearing of N.870431E. a distance of 448.4' to a point on the east line of said quarter section; Thence on a bearing of S.10161W, along the said east line a distance of 733 feet to the point of beginning and contains 6.83 acres, more or less. A tract of land beginning at a point on the south line of the Southwest Quarter (SW4) of Section 19-14-2 of the Sixth Principal Meridian, and 248' west of the southeast corner of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SEJSW4) of said Section 19; Thence north 184'; Thence west 1261; Thence south 1871; Thence east 125' to the point of beginning, containing 0.54 acres. The South 300' of a tract of land beginning at the southwest corner of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SWkNEJ) of Section 19, Township 14 South, Range 2 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian; Thence north 3301; Thence East 528'; Thence South 3301; Thence West 528' to the point of beginning, less that part for fl control levee. Section 3. The estimated or probable cost of such improvement is $25,167.75. Section 4. The apportionment of cost between the improvment district and the City -at -large is as follows: 1. Costs chargeable to private property in the amount of $25,167.75. 2. No costs chargeable to the City -at -large. Section 5. The assessment with accrued interest shall be levied as a special tax upon the property included within the benefit district concurrent with the general property taxes and shall be payable in ten (10) equal annual installments. Section 6. The method of assessment shall be based on the adjusted front footage each lot of land and without regard to the buildings or improvements of the land. Section 7. That the advisability of the improvements set forth herein is hereby esta6Tis�ied without notice and hearing, as authorized by K.S.A. 12-6a04(1). Adopted by the Board of Commissioners and signed by the Mayor this 17th day of October, 1983. (SEAL) ATTEST: L. Harrison, City Clerk 1 oh . Affidavit of Publication Following is a true and correct copy of Reol uti ons i'ddnnuer 33-36�4 - - °e nn�ng*�('�,e,e sy,6Heas,ZTo ne the'SouthwesT QuarterA( -(Published in?he Selma Journal, together with proof of publication of the same. October. 21 1983 )' r RESOLUTION N0. 83-3664 of, M, gfrsection 1914 2� t ' J+ e, fs T9'q cekweesst along the soul A' RESOLUTION DETERMINING THE ADVISABILITY of surd quarter section+a distance - AFFIDAVIT OF WATER MAIN IM- M PROVEMENTS, FROVEMENTS,'ESTIMATING THE COST THEREOF,,' DEFINING THE .` of 24i?'t'oa point; The ons a lieo' r'i' f , N O de BOUND ARIES 'OF' THE ,IMPROVEMENT DISTR. ICT, METHOD. -.OF ASSESSMENT, grees�47,t minutes cost a-dlsidnci of 184toyapotrif;s° 4f '. ANC •APPORTIONING THE, COST BETWEEN Thence. on abeonng of Ni;BBd Paul G. 111eb J 11ebb I+ THE IMPROVEMENT, AND THE CITY -AT -LARGE. ' ` 9ree5 p l minutes west a distona grof ees to a ngte Thencerron beoringro • WHEREAS said improvements were by ai 5Tr0 grees 39 m mics west a djstance being first duly sworn according to law declare that I am requested petition of those liable t " for the cost 64 the same; pro- Q i . oft 187 ,taro point on the sous) line ofPs0_i aqc on i� otic Pe�,dided by KISbA.': 2i6a04, hout notice,as Thence. o'nyabaarang7. of olong'fhesouf�0lme of saidec the Marketing Director BENT RESOLVED al the Governing Body of'the City of Salina Kansas: Section'1 That the Board'of tions distance,6f65 to Then'ca`on a, bearing ofiVfOde• Com- a"w grees,;35Vminuet6sjeOst a*distancc manager of the Salina Journal misi6ners of the'Ci.ty of Salina; Kan- `sas _hereb finds and final) r y. deter of I1, 5nc 7gto og p`cV „ -Thence`on t eating o4 N:8 de. mines that rt is Advisable.to make the ,following improvements to -wit: 1 grees 4131 minutes east `s` distasnce a newspaper published in the City of Salina Saline + Water Main improvements in Cloud = Street: to serve .propert on both y of 448:4 to u point on the east line of sald�quarter section; Thence.; on; a,beanngAcf S.1 sides., ofCloud .Street ,from Park- wood Drive, east To the• flood con- tle gree 163mmutes"west along the County, Kansas, and of a general circulation in said city, trol right -of way. section 2 The extent or boundaries . said east line a distance of; 733 feet to the point of begmmn`gg'Snd 'of the proposed timprovement district to be assessed is contains 6.83 acres, more orless 4. t s.,,' A tract of land beginning at a polnt and continually and uninterruptedly published for more ri That part of the City of Salina, So: 3 oa the south line of the Southwest .Q°arter(SW'/.), oh;Soctwntl9l4{,Zof line Cov^ty,"Ka'nsas, described as Oho Sixth Principal _ Meridian, and follows, to wit: The North 300' of; the; '248 wesf,:'oftho lioutheas`tfcor°pf than one year prior to the date of the attached West 909 of Lot il, Village of Loretto. ,1heySoutheast Quaeterrof,thefSouth++ `west Quarter ua Ie f se; (The North 300 of the .East 909 of .(SE'itSW/g),of ", Sec ion fes Resolution I'ilfnil6Cr 33-3t�b4 the West 181 6 of Lot 11: Village of Loretto. Thence north 184';' a t„` 4th The North 300:64, the West 30''0{ Thence westi126;fit i f k f�j l he ce south 187 Loretto. 1728 of ,Cot,I1,.Villag:of Thence, east 125"io'Sthe °ponr'tofj _� �, and that said Resol uti ori .Number 0.3-.3EJu4 The North 300 of ,the East 1428' of r' Lot Tl; Village'of Loretto b ginning contauiing 05A ay res r The South 300'of a tract of Iq`'A be; '•The'Norih 300 of. Lot 12;'Village of' Loretto. ) ginning at the Southwest corner�of�,t The Southwest .(Zuorfer of` thei, 9 G+ _ was correctl. ubli ed of the date of me North 300 of;,the West 50' of ' Northeustt. Quarter (SWi'hNE/.a)� ata 'Section 19 TownshIp 114,pgSauth;- �.y� Lot .l$. Villa a of=Loretto.' -. g w The North 500 of'Lot 13 except the ,Range 2 West of t Sixth�Pr 6 AM ;Mb - 19 cs3 sand f r er I say not. West 50' thereof, Village of Loretto • The. Nor th 300 of the West 105 of 'd.1 t` i s a ,r Thence north 33U the` North half of the Northeast )hence East 528 Thence South 330'' tom" Quarter. {(N/NE'/.`)- of Section'30, Thence n pft�"s jyest 528 10 the pint of be9mmngi less that'parttfor�fltood lying no�rpthlof the Smoky Hell?R�er.T The, North•3067of¢part of the North' control levee = + xt iz 6`ti S�ectiyon 3.. The half of the Northeost Quarter (N/NEY6)�,nor„Th of the Smoky.Hill estimated or-prob afilco'st• of such improvenien't isj River, begmiirng aT a point.105 Easy of the :northwest 'corner the 511 $267 75. ,Section .4: The opporhonmem oft .bf Northeast Quarter.:^ thence east to ,cost between thelLimprovement disir'� the flood control right-of-way; 'southwesterl j II ict and the city dWlod ge is us fo[laws: Subseribed and sworn :to before me thence To .the center of the Smoky” Hilly River, osts chor cable to nvate ro er- 1 •Ciro#�75 P p ty m the thence north tosthe point* of beginning; all artio9 nt,of $2Sp 2• N° costs •-cha,Igeaf le toEtFieRCity°o't- .y - �. October r L� cj3 in Section 30 Township 14 South, Range, 2 West in• Saline„County, large. Section S. The assessment with accru- s + 19 Kansas. + ' ed interest shalh,be leweddos wfspe, The South 300' oVthe East 215.5' of tial`.tax- upon thehprgperty "included * the West 425 of the South,500 of within: the benefit distract concurrent - the Southeast Quarter of the South- with the -general proper yltoxds'''ond west Quarter(SEYSW'/.).of'Section shall be':poyable in -ten (10)1eq6aPan- - Notary PUbfIC - 19, Township 14 South, Range 2 West, in.Sahne County Kansas nual.insTaliments "Iw'„it ' 'Section 6. The method of assess - The South 300"'64°the West 594'of Iment shall .be based/Ion the adjusted s x'th 'the Southeast Ouorier of the -South, front foots - ge of each 'lot of land and QTARY PUBLIC west Qi6rter (SE/.SW/,)'of'Section 19 Township' without regard to the budd«ngs�or im,- of the land 1 - State of ED HARRISONN 14 South Range 2 f .West of the 6th Principal Meridian Provements lection 7 That the adwsabihtytof the fly kOPt. EX R- 1UfV xcept the following described tract beginning ,ot<'the southwest corner improvements set forth herein” is hereby established vnthout notice orad '••• 31, 1985 of asaid Southeast Quarter of `.the hearing, as authorized by K S Al2'- • -'-'-'^---. Southwesh Quarter (SE 'GSW'✓.) of Sd04(1) •kn'j�=`+° " t said Section 19k ,. ;Adopted -by the iogrd�Of Commis= Thence Eat 425;signers —Thence 'Nor'th and signedtiliy"Sihe°M6yo�,this -17th rrit� ' 500; Thence W; est 425 day.of Octo John ber, li983 ' �;-F Burgess, t f'"%' ' Thence South' 500' 'to the f:. Mayor'�` - place of beginning.'•. The Soutfi 300 of d tract: of land in +v•. `ATTEST DA. Harrison;`City Clerk}, .. the Southwesetar Quarter (SW'/.). of (SEAL) s c (11) • i Section 19, ,.Township 14� South, - Range. 2; West, of4ithe Sixth Principal Meridian IniSolme; County, Kansas,' 'more partic'616 y described as fol - laws, to -wit: ; Beginning ;ottra;'point on The south line o4: Section X19-14-2 and -438' west of the south quarter corner of said' sectiori " Thence,nor)h at an `on le of 90 degrees 05' minutes west to _north), adi5fopce 713.7; of 'Thence eastefly;at -an angle of 92 clegrees':52:'-fninutes (south to "�+.. - •east)'a .distance 'of. 448.4' to a point on tke ''east', line of the Southwest,Qua6bir (SW'/.) of Sec- tion 19-14 2 Thence north along the eastline ' of said quarte r'; section a distance of 604.7' 'to', the' northeast corner of the .Southeast":Quarter of affie' South of Section 1t?f14-2; Thence'weal-Aongfthe north line of said quarter- quarter section•a distance of 726 ; t`;. Thence' south °rid pa Ileh with the eosi Ime?of said quarter`'se'c- . tion a°oistance,of 1,320"to 6 points ' on ;hs south line of said quarter, Thence east alonge south` line ofrsaid q Barter:section a -distance ' - of 2886, to iheipoint of, beginning and containing14.6)acrWrs ior'e or less The South t300' of a tract of land°in ,.the Southwest Quarter (SW'/^)°+of) Section • 19 Township 14 , 9outhi'