83-3642 Enterprise Zone IncentivesRESOLUTION #83-3642 A RESOLUTION DETERMINING THE INCENTIVES TO BE PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF SALINA FOR ENTERPRISE ZONES. WHEREAS, the City of Salina has adopted Resolution #83-3641 requesting that an area in the City of Salina be designated as an enterprise zone pursuant to KSA 12-17,109; and WHEREAS, it is necessary that.the City provide and implement local incentives within the enterprise zone. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas: Section 1. That in the event the Kansas Department of Economic Development approves the designation of the enterprise zone as requested by Resolution #83-3641, that the following local incentives be imple- mented within said enterprise zone. A. That the City of Salina will waive the cost of the issuance of building, remodeling and demolition permits for commercial and industrial structues inside the proposed enterprise zone effective upon official designation by the Kansas Department of Economic Development. These fee waivers will continue for the duration of the enterprise zone or for a period of five (5) years, whichever time period is shorter. B. That the City of Salina will target the following capital improvements into the proposed enterprise zone during 1983 and 1984: Approximate Activity Cost West Crawford Street Maintenance $250,000 Museum Acquisition and Conversion 339,000 Bridge Replacement at Fourth and Iron 1 250,000 Section 2. That the City Manager is authorized to take all actions necessary to implement the provisions of this resolution. 'Section'3. That this resolution will be effective upon adoption and the official designation by the Kansas Department of Economic Devel- opment's approval of the enterprise zone requested in Resolution #83-3641. Adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Salina, Kansas and.signed by the Mayor this 9th day of May, 1983. hn F. Burgess, M r (SEAL) ATTEST: 4 Gin4t,�'ti— D.L. Harrison, City Clerk