83-3632 Appreciation CaldwellCl " �: t RESOLUTION 83 -3632 A RUOLUCION EXPR£ ING APPRECIATION AND GRATITUDE FOR MUCANDING SERVICES RENDERED B9 ROBERT C. CALDWELL A,$ A R£SROUIBL£ AND D£R9 DEDICATED CITIZEN OF THE CZT9 OF SALINA, KAUA$. WH£R£A,$, ROBERT C. CALDWELL through his life and cnnbuct has expresseh his firm belief in the butg anb personal obligation of each citizen to became invnlveh in shaping the cnmmunitg; anb WHEREAS, his pribe in Salina anb genuine concern far if anh its peoples' progress is hest exemplifieb bg his active participation in numerous civic organizations anb political activities; anb WHEREAS, his participation anb exemplarg leabership in communitg affairs is reflecteb in services renbereb as a member of the Salina Citg Commission from April, 1969 to April, 1976; as Magnr for three terms commencing April, 1970, April, 1971, anb April, 1975; election t o the Kansas State Legislature, representing the 68th District, November, 1976; anb WHEREAS, such services anb bebication to the Citg of 5alina are most worthg of public recognition, SO NOW, THEREFORE BE It RESOLVED bg the Governing Dnbg of the Citg of Salina, Kansas: Section 1. chat this expression of gratitube anb appreciation is the Citg nr Salina's official wag of recognizing ROBERT C. CALDWELL for his outstanbing leabership anb participation in local anb state affairs. Sectinn 2. That ROBERT C. CALDWELL he recngnizeb anb nfficiallg nameh "AMBASSADOR OF GOODWILL" Section 3. that the Citg Clerk is herebg birecteh to have this Resolution frameb apprnpriatelg anb to btliver the same to ROBERT C. CALDWELL. Ahopteb bg the Hnarb of Commissioners anh signet bg the Magnr this 7th bag of Februarg, 1983. MESE: ACZ'j1L4-4.e41— D. L. Harrison, Citg Clerk cit G. Duc ers, Magor