7.2 Amend Golden Eagles Estates PDDCITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR CITY COMMISSION ACTION DATE TIME 06/04/2007 4:00 P.M. AGENDA SECTION ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: APPROVED FOR NO: 7 AGENDA: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES CITY PLANNING ITEM NO. 2 BY: BY: Dean Andrew Page 1 ITEM:Ordinance No. 07-10391 Application #PDD93-6D, filed by Roger Siemsen and Tim Howison, requesting an amendment of the Golden Eagle Estates Addition PDD to convert an area set aside for cluster townhomes with a private street and common area to nine (9) i ndividually owned platted lots for townhomes on a public street. The subject property is legally described as Lot 3, Block 2 in Golden Eagle Estates Addition No. 2 to the City of Salina, Saline County, Kansas and located on the north side of unbuilt Eaglecrest Avenue north of the Eaglecrest Retirement Community at 1501 E. Magnolia Road. BACKGROUND: In 1993 the Planning Commission considered a request to rezone a 39-acre tract north of Magnolia Road and east of the Huntington Road ditch from Saline County AG to R (Single-Family Residential), R-2 (Multi-Family Residential) and R-3 (Multi-Family Residential). During the course of the review process the request for R-3 zoning was dropped and the application was converted to a Planned Development District (PDD). The reason for the creation of a PDD was the mixed use nature of the development and the proposal to dev elop Lot 1, Block 1 and Lot 30, Block 5 as cluster townhome areas which would have private streets and common areas owned and maintained by a Homeowner’s Association. A zoning change and prelimin ary development plan for Golden Eagle Estates was approved by the Planning Commission on June 15, 1993 subject to the following conditions: 1. Development limitations shall be as follows: a. Lot 1, Block 1 shall be lim ited to 50 single-family attached dwellings containing no more than 4 units per building. Lot 30, Block 5 shall be limited to 40 singl e-family attached dwellings containing b. no more than 2 units per building. c. Lot 1, Block 1 and Lot 30, Bl ock 5 shall be limited to the uses permitted and the lot size and bulk regulations specified in the R-2 Multi-Family Residential District. d. All other lots shall be subject to t he permitted uses, lot size and bulk regulations specified in the R Single-Family Residential District. 2. A final plat shall be submitted and approved prio r to final approval of the preliminary planned development district. 3. The City Engineer shall approve plans and s pecifications for the storm water collection and detention system prior to issuance of any building permit; construction shall be completed prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy. CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR CITY COMMISSION ACTION DATE TIME 06/04/2007 4:00 P.M. AGENDA SECTION ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: APPROVED FOR NO: 7 AGENDA: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES CITY PLANNING ITEM NO. 2 BY: BY: Dean Andrew Page 2 Separate final development plan applications for the two townhome areas (Lot 1, Block 1 4. and Lot 30, Block 5) shall be approved by the Planning Commission prior to development. 5. Development note 1 on the pr eliminary plat shall be revised to include Lots 31-33, Block 5 as subject to the requirements of the R district. 6. A note shall be placed on the pr eliminary plat as follows: "Huntington Road shall be platted and opened from Sherwood Lane to Wayne Avenue in conjunction with the subdividing and development of the land located immediately north of this subdivision". 7. The preliminary plat shall be revised to show a water line connection to a proposed city water main on Magnolia Road at Redhawk Lane. 8. The applicant shall submit legal assurances to the city consent ing to the establishment of a special assessment district and obligating the abutting land within the proposed development for one-half of the total cost to reconstruct two lanes on Magnolia Road to city residential street standards. Said assurance shall be valid for a 10 year period and legally binding on existing and future owners of land within the development. This cove nant shall be recorded with the final plat. 9. The applicant shall submit a revised prelim inary development plan/plat containing all noted corrections prior to consideration by the City Commission. The City Commission concurre d with the action of the Plan ning Commission and approved an August 16, 1993 ordinance rezoning this 39-acre tract to PDD (R & R-2) on . On the approved preliminary plan it was further stipulated that final development plans for Lot 1, Block 1 and Lot 30, Block 5 would be filed within 5 years of final zoning approval. That time period expired in 1998 before any development had occurred. The developers request ed and received a time extension for the development of these lots. Amendment #1. In 1999, the developers of Golden Eagle Estates requested approval of an amendment to their PDD to allow the zoning boundaries within the subdivision to match up with their proposed replat. Specifically they proposed reducing the size of an existing R-2 zoned townhome area on the north side of Eaglecrest (Lot 30, Block 5) and expand the existing R-2 zoned townhome area along Magnolia (Lot 1, Block 1) to the east. They also proposed the creation of 10 additional townhome lots for individual ownership along the south side of Eaglecrest Avenue which was to be realigned as part of the replat. Two lots on the north side of Eaglecrest were included in the request area because they faced proposed townhome lots on the south and it seemed unlikely that they would ever be developed with single-family homes. CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR CITY COMMISSION ACTION DATE TIME 06/04/2007 4:00 P.M. AGENDA SECTION ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: APPROVED FOR NO: 7 AGENDA: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES CITY PLANNING ITEM NO. 2 BY: BY: Dean Andrew Page 3 Original Golden Eagle Plan 1999 Amendment 83 single-family lots 65 single-family lots 2 multi-family lots with up to 90 units 2 multi-family lots with up to 90 units 12 multi-family lots with 2 units each 173 total housing units 179 total housing units Although the total area devoted to multi-family housing was increased under the applicant’s amended plan, the net result was an increas e of only 6 dwelling units. T he primary issues the Planning Commission focused on were: (1) Whether the proposed lots on Eaglecrest are suitable for townhome construction, (2) Whether the pr oposed changes would increase traffi c flow through single-family areas, and (3) Whether approval of the requested zoning change would change the character of the subdivision so as to harm the living conditions and value of nearby residents’ property or adversely affect the marketability and development potential of nearby vacant single-family lots. The Planning Commission found that the proposed townhomes on Eaglecrest would not face single- family homes on the other side of the street, those homes would be oriented to face Falconview and Red Hawk Lane, the overall residential density of Golden Eagle Es tates would change only slightly and residents of the tow nhome areas would have direct access to Magnolia without driving through single-family areas if Eaglecrest Avenue is constructed. As to the question of architectural compatibility, the architectural appearance of the townhomes in the two cluster developments were intended to be subject to Planning Commission review and approval as part of the final development plan approval process. The townhomes constructed along the south side of Eaglecrest were not subject to any architectural review and would not necessarily be uniform in appearance. Twelve different builders could build 12 different types of homes but this is the same situation that exists in Eastview Estates on the south side of Magnolia. December 7, 1999 On, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the proposed plan amendment subject to the following conditions: 1. Development limitations shall be as follows: a. Lot 1, Block 1 of the r eplat area shall be limited to 60 single-family attached dwellings containing no more than 4 units per building. b. Lot 3, Block 2 of the replat area sha ll be limited to 30 single-family attached dwellings containing no more than 2 units per building. c. Lots 2-11, Block 1 and Lot s 1 & 2, Block 2 shall be li mited to the used permitted and the lot size and bulk regulations specified in the R-2 Multi-Family Residential District. CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR CITY COMMISSION ACTION DATE TIME 06/04/2007 4:00 P.M. AGENDA SECTION ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: APPROVED FOR NO: 7 AGENDA: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES CITY PLANNING ITEM NO. 2 BY: BY: Dean Andrew Page 4 d. All other lots shall be s ubject to the permitted uses, lot size and bulk regulations specified in the R Single-Family Residential District. 2. A final replat shall be approved prior to fi nal approval of the amended planned development district. Separate final development plan applications for the two cluster townhome areas (Lot 1, 3. Block 1 and Lot 3, Bl ock 2) shall be approved by the Planning Commission prior to development of those areas. Final plans for development of Lot 1, Block 1 and Lot 3, Block 2 shall be submitted 4. within five (5) years of final approval of the amended planned development district. This time period has expired, but an amended plan has been submitted which is sufficiently different from the 1999 plan that a new public hearing is required. 5. A landscaped buffer strip shall be required w here R-2 townhome areas but R Single-Family Residential zoning. The City Commission concurred with the recommendations of the Planning Commission and approved January 10, 2000 the proposed plan amendment, zoning changes and replat at their meeting. Amendment #2. October 26, 2001 On the Planning Department received an application from Architectural Design Associates of Lincoln, Nebraska on behalf of t he Excel Development Grou p for property legally described as Lot 1, Block 1 of Go lden Eagle Estates Addition No. 2. This application requested approval of an amended development plan and included a change in under lying zoning district classification from R-2 (Multi-Fa mily Residential) to R-2.5 (Multi-Family Residential) to allow construction of a 140-unit elderly housing facility. The underlying zoning of the property (PDD / R-2) only allowed the construction of up to 60 townhome units on this 6.73-acre site with a maximum of 4 uni ts per building, or a density of 9 dwelling units / acre. The amended plan submitted by the applicant in Oc tober 2001 called for construction of a single, two- and three-story stru cture with 100 independent apartment units and 40 assisted living units, a density of 21 du / acre, more than doub le what the approved PDD allowed. The proposed building had a footprint of 65,000 square feet, was 522 ft. long al ong the front (Magnolia Road) elevation and had a proposed height of 54 ft. at the peak of the third floor roof. Because any amendment of a PDD ordinance amounts to a change in zoning, notification was sent out to adjacent property owners and the Salina City Planning Commission conducted a public hearing December 4, 2001 on this application on . At the conclusion of the hearing the Planning Commission CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR CITY COMMISSION ACTION DATE TIME 06/04/2007 4:00 P.M. AGENDA SECTION ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: APPROVED FOR NO: 7 AGENDA: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES CITY PLANNING ITEM NO. 2 BY: BY: Dean Andrew Page 5 voted 7-0 to recommend denial of the applican t’s request. The Planning Commission expressed concern that the magnitude and scale of this proposed housing project would be incompatible with the surrounding residential neighborhoods. With a unanimous recommendation of denial, the applicant had three (3) options: 1) Ask the City Commission to overturn the Planning Commission’s recommendation and approve their request for R-2.5 zoning and their proposed site development plan as submitted; 2) Ask the City Commission to send this item back to the Planning Commission to consider a revised plan for the site; or 3) Formally withdraw their application which would close out this zoning case. January 7, 2002 The applicant chose Option #2 and appeared before the City Commission on asking them to keep their application alive so a revised plan could be presented to the Planning Commission. The City Commission voted 4-0 to return the application to the Planning Commission for consideration of a revised site development plan. After that meeting, the developer’s architect worked on revisions to the site plan that attempted to address the concerns expressed by both neighbors and staff during the public hearing held December 4, 2001. They prepared and submitted a revis ed plan for reconsideration by the Planning Commission. The applicant’s revised plan incorporated Lot 2-11, Block 1, into their building site expanding the site from 6.73 acres to 9.77 acres.A retention / detention pond with walking path was added west of the building and is accessible to residents of the facilit y. The two (2) access drives originally proposed from Magnolia Road were r educed to one main entranc e. This main entrance leads to a perimeter drive that accesses the main entries on the south and east as well s the parking lots, the parking garage, and the loading area on the north side of the building. The building configuration was reworked in such a way that the overall le ngth of the building was significantly reduced from the originally proposed length of 522 ft. to 433 ft. The building has also been reduced from a three-story 54 ft. high building to a two-story 37 ft. high building. The number of living units in the facility was reduced from 140 to 114. A potential building site for future townhome development was set aside on the east side of t he property, along with a private road with access from Eaglecrest Avenue that would terminate in a cul-de-sac. This proposed road will be private and could provide an additional entrance to the facility from the north. However, the applicant has no plans to develop the cul-de-sac and townhome buildings at this time. CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR CITY COMMISSION ACTION DATE TIME 06/04/2007 4:00 P.M. AGENDA SECTION ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: APPROVED FOR NO: 7 AGENDA: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES CITY PLANNING ITEM NO. 2 BY: BY: Dean Andrew Page 6 1999 Amendment 2002 Amendment 65 single-family lots 65 single-family lots 2 multi-family lots with up to 90 units 3 multi-family lots with up to 160 units 12 multi-family lots with two units each 2 multi-family lots with two units each 173 total housing units 229 total housing units The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on Excel Development’s revised proposal on May 7, 2002 . The Planning Commission voted 8-0 to reco mmend approval of the revised plan. The Planning Commission based their favorable recommendation on the following findings: 1) The proposed site with its arterial street frontage is suitable for an elderly housing facility; 2) Public utilities are available and adequate to serve the proposed use; 3) The proposed project, as revised, would be compatible with the surrounding neighborhood and would serve as a buffer or transition use between Magnolia Road and single-family housing to the north; and 4) The proposed project, as revised, conforms with the medium density residential land use designation for this parcel in the Comprehensive Plan. The Planning Commission’s recommendation included the following conditions of approval: 1. Development limitations shall be as follows: a. Permitted uses on Lot 1, Block 1 of the r eplat area shall be limited to a multi-unit housing facility for the elderly consisting of no more than 114 independent living and assisted living units. b. Permitted uses on Lot 2, Block 1 of the replat area (the townhome area) shall be limited to 16 single-family attached dwellings containing no more than 4 units per building. c. Development on Lots 1 & 2, Block 1 shall be subject to the bulk regulations specified in the R-2 Multi-Family Residential District. 2. Final site development plans for the elder ly housing facility and townhome area (Lot 1, Block 1 and Lot 2, Block 1) shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission prior to issuance of a building permit for either site. 3. The City Engineer shall approve plans and specification for the proposed storm water collection system and detention / retention pond prior to approval of a final site development plan for Lot 1 or Lot 2. CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR CITY COMMISSION ACTION DATE TIME 06/04/2007 4:00 P.M. AGENDA SECTION ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: APPROVED FOR NO: 7 AGENDA: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES CITY PLANNING ITEM NO. 2 BY: BY: Dean Andrew Page 7 4. The City Engineer shall approve plans and s pecifications for any public water and sewer line extensions prior to approval of a final site development plan for Lot 1 or Lot 2. 5. A final replat shall be approved prior to fi nal approval of the amended planned development district. The applicant shall submit legal assurance to the City consenting to the 6. establishment of a future special assessment district for the paving of Eaglecrest Drive. Said assurance shall be valid for a 15-year period and legally binding on existing and future owners of land within the development site. This agreement shall be recorded as a covenant with the replat of this site. The City Commission concurred with the acti on of the Planning Commission and approved the September 23, 2003 proposed PDD amendment, zoning change and replat at their meeting. As a result of this change, the ten (10) townhome lots on the south side of Eaglecrest Avenue were eliminated. Nature of Current Request An application has been filed by Roger Siemsen and Tim Howison for final development plan approval for development of the townhome area on the north side of Eaglecrest Avenue (Lot 3, Block 2). The application requests approval of an amendment to the plan a pproved in 1999. The proposed amendment to the PDD proposes to go from a cluster of townhomes with private drives and common area to individual platted lots with a public street. A co mpanion replat was file d that would create twelve (12) individual building lots arranged around a cul-de-sac. The proposed development would involve construction of Eaglecrest Avenue north of Magnolia Road, a new public street (Katie Court) as well as water and sewer line extensions. The concept is that townhomes would be constructed and then the lots divided down the center of the townhome buildings.Individual townhome owners would own and maintain the outdoor spaces as opposed to having a homeowner’s association. Since that original filing the number of lots and number of proposed dwelling units has been reduced from 12 attached dwellings contai ning 24 units to 9 buildings cont aining 20 dwelling units. As now proposed, two (2) of the 9 lots w ould contain triplexes. This is being done to accommodate larger building footprints. Zoning Ordinance Requirements The following development standards apply in the R-2 district and the existing PDD: 1. Permitted Uses – Only single-family attached dwellings (townhomes) Townhomes may include up to six (6) units per building. CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR CITY COMMISSION ACTION DATE TIME 06/04/2007 4:00 P.M. AGENDA SECTION ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: APPROVED FOR NO: 7 AGENDA: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES CITY PLANNING ITEM NO. 2 BY: BY: Dean Andrew Page 8 2. Density – Up to 30 townhome units are permitted *Only 20 are proposed under the applicants’ plan. 3. Minimum lot area – 6,000 sq. ft. for duplexes 3,000 sq. ft. for single-family attached dwellings (townhomes) 4. Minimum lot width – 50 ft. 24 ft. for single-family attached dwellings (townhomes) 5. Setbacks - Front yard – 25 ft. or 55 ft. from the center line of the street whichever is greater. Side yard –7.5 ft. except single-family attached dwellings may have a zero setback along the common lot line. Rear yard – 25 ft. 6. Maximum lot coverage – 35% 7. Parking – Two (2) off-street parking spaces must be provided per dwelling unit. Spaces in garages count toward meeting that requirement. 8. Landscaping – *The PDD ordinance in effect today requires a 15 ft. landscape buffer between this townhome area and abutting single-family homes. The PDD process allows the Planning Commission to create a customized zoning district for a proposed development including the limitation and addition of uses and modified lot size, setback and other bulk and density requirements. The applicants are requesting the following modifications to the R-2 district regulations: 1. Because of the tightness of the site and the reduction in the street right-of-way width to 50 ft. the applicants are requesting approval of a 25 ft. setback measured from the front property line. A 55 ft. setback from center line would result in a 30 ft. front yard setback. 2. Due to the tightness of the site and the depth and shape of some lots, the applicants are requesting a reduction in the required rear yard setback from 25 ft. to 20 ft. Suitability of the Site for Development Under the Existing Zoning This factor deals with the suitability of the property for development under the existing PDD arrangement and also whether the current zoning arrangement has inhibited development of the property. CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR CITY COMMISSION ACTION DATE TIME 06/04/2007 4:00 P.M. AGENDA SECTION ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: APPROVED FOR NO: 7 AGENDA: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES CITY PLANNING ITEM NO. 2 BY: BY: Dean Andrew Page 9 This site has remained vacant and undeveloped since 1993 primarily because of the lack of street access. The applicants believe there is more of a market for townhomes on individual lots than for a townhome complex with common area and a homeowner’s association. As a result they are requesting an amendment of the original PDD concept. Character of Neighborhood This factor deals with whether the requested P DD amendment would be com patible with the zoning and uses of nearby property or if it would constitute a substantial change that would negatively impact the surrounding single-family lots in the subdivision. The applicants’ plan for this 3.5 acre tract would result in 10 less dwelling units being built than what is currently allowed under the approved PDD ordinance.From staff’s perspective the primary issue for the Planning Commission to consider is whether the appl icants’ development concept represents a substantial change in character fr om what was origina lly proposed and approved. This primarily involves architectural appearance and controls. Cluster townhome developments are usually developed with a common architectural theme and style. One of the reasons for originally making this a PDD and requiring final deve lopment approval was so that the Planning Commission and neighboring property owners could review the design and appear ance of the proposed townhomes prior to construction to insure that they would be compatible with the surrounding homes. No building elevations were submitted with the application and the developers have not submitted a draft set of Restrictive Covenants for the tow nhome area. It is not clear w hether the townhome area will be subject to any architectural controls. It is staff’s understanding that individual builders will decide the townhome design on a lot by lot basis. The other issue is landscaping. In 1999, the City Commission required that a 15 ft. landscape buffer be provided around the perimeter of the townhome area. With the change to individual lot ownership and the rear yard drainage issues this may not be pr actical anymore. The question for the Planning Commission is whether some form of on-site landscaping or landscape buffer should be required. Public Utilities and Services Adequate water, sanitary sewer, gas and electrical lines are in place or can be extended to serve this site. The proposed PDD amendment should not overburden existing public facilities. Any additional runoff generated by townhome development can be handledby the existing drainage system. Required utility and drainage improvements will be addressed in the review of the plat for this area. Conformance with Comprehensive Plan 1. Land Use Map – The City’s Future Land Use Plan shows this area as being appropriate for medium density residential development. The residential density of the proposed townhome development (24 units on 3.59 acres) computes to 5.6 units per acre which falls within the medium density residential classification of 8.0 units per acre. CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR CITY COMMISSION ACTION DATE TIME 06/04/2007 4:00 P.M. AGENDA SECTION ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: APPROVED FOR NO: 7 AGENDA: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES CITY PLANNING ITEM NO. 2 BY: BY: Dean Andrew Page 10 2. Land Use Plan – Salina’s Comprehensive Plan does not contain any policies relating specifically to the development of townhomes but the plan does contain the following Residential Development policies which should be used to guide land use decisions: R-3 Small-scale “infill” residential development within or near existing neighborhood areas should be compatible and in character with surrounding existing residential development. R-4 Where possible, multi-family housing should be located on the edge of residential neighborhoods and near other major traffic generators. R-6 Medium-density residential development should be promoted in locations between Office / commercial areas and single-family neighborhoods. Abrupt changes in density should be avoided. R-9 New medium – high-density housing should be located in selected areas along major streets, adjacent to major activity areas such as commercial / office areas and large institutions, or adjoining similar existing multi-family development. New higher-density development would also be appropriate adjacent to public parks or other significant open space features. R-10 New medium and high-density areas should be developed as overall, planned residential environments. Within larger development areas, a range of housing types should be encouraged, with each area sharing a common character and unified environment. R-13 Innovative planning and design techniques in both housing construction and land development should be actively encouraged as a means of conserving land and energy, improving the pattern and quality of residential environments, and reducing development and public service costs. Planning Commission Recommendation: The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the applicants’ proposed PDD amendment on May 15, 2007. No comments from neighboring proper ty owners were received. Following presentation of the staff repor t, comments from the applicant and comments and questions from Commissioners, the Commission voted 8-0 to recommend approval of the applicants’ amended plan and plan layout for this property subject to the following conditions: 1. Development limitations shall be as follows: a) Development on Lots 1-9 shall be limited to seven (7) single-family attached dwellings containing no more than two (2) units per building and two (2) single-family CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR CITY COMMISSION ACTION DATE TIME 06/04/2007 4:00 P.M. AGENDA SECTION ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: APPROVED FOR NO: 7 AGENDA: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES CITY PLANNING ITEM NO. 2 BY: BY: Dean Andrew Page 11 attached dwellings located on Lots 4 and 9 lots containing up to three (3) units per building. b) Each two and three-family residential bu ilding shall be constructed as an attached townhome designed for individual owner occupancy with separate utility service to each unit and internal common firewall separation. c) Development on Lots 1-9, Block 1 shall be subject to the lot size and bulk regulations of the R-2 (Multi-Family Residential) district, except that a 25 ft. front yard setback from Katie Court shall be allowed and the minimum rear yard setback shall be 20 ft. d) The building footpr int of each two-family residentia l building, including attached garages, shall not exceed 5,024 sq. ft. The building footprint of each three-family residential dwelling, including attached garages shall not exceed 5,400 sq. ft. 2. Development of the site sha ll substantially conform to the approved site development plan and driveway plan submitted by the applicants’ engineer which shall be incorporated as part of the approved final development plan. 3. Landscaping shall consist of one (1) street tree for each individual dwelling unit selected from the city’s approved tree list and planted by the builder and other plantings selected and planted by the owner. 4. Plans and specifications for rear yard drainage improvements (swales, inlets and flumes) shall be approved by the City Engineer prior to issuance of any building permits. COMMISSION ACTION: If the City Commission concurs with the recommendation of the Planning Commission the attached ordinance should be approved on first reading. The protest period for this application expired on May 29, 2007 and no protest petition was filed. Second reading would be scheduled for June 11, 2007. If the City Commission disagrees with the recommendation of the Planning Commission, it may 1) overturn the Planning Commission and deny this request provided three or four votes are in support of such action; or 2) return the application to the Planning Commission for reconsideration citing the basis of its disagreement with the recommendation. CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR CITY COMMISSION ACTION DATE TIME 06/04/2007 4:00 P.M. AGENDA SECTION ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: APPROVED FOR NO: 7 AGENDA: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES CITY PLANNING ITEM NO. 2 BY: BY: Dean Andrew Page 12 Encl: Application Vicinity Map Preliminary Development Plan Excerpt of PC Minutes 05/15/07 Ordinance No. 07-10391 cc: Greg Adams, Campbell and Johnson Tim Howison Roger Siemsen