81-3576 Job Classification and Salary Schedule1 1 RESOLUTION NUMBER 81-3576 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE JOB CLASSIFICATION AND SALARY SCHEDULE FOR CITY EMPLOYEES, CREATED PURSUANT TO SECTION 2-61 OF THE SALINA CODE AND REPEALING RESOLUTION NUMBER 80-3523 AND ALL PREVIOUS RESOLUTIONS, MOTIONS. OR ACTIONS IN CONFLICT THEREWITH. Kansas: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Salina, Section 1. That the Job Classification and Salary Schedule of city employees, as provided for by Section 2-61 of the Salina Code, be and the same are hereby incorporated by reference. Section 2. That the effective date of the Job Classification and Salary Schedule for all employees of the City of Salina, Kansas, shall be January 1, 1982. Section 3. That a copy of the rules and regulations governing appointment and employment to positions in the Job Classification and Salary Schedule, together with salary ranges, shall be kept on file in the Offices of the City Manager and City Clerk, in accordance with the provisions of Section 2-62 of the Salina Code, and the City Manager is authorized to make any necessary' modifications, interpretations or adjustments to said pay plan as he deems necessary, within budgetary funding limits. Section 4. That Resolution Number 80-3523 and all previous resolutions, motions or actions in conflict with the Job Classification and Salary Schedule for all employees.of the City of Salina, Kansas, are hereby repealed. Adopted by the Board of Commissioners and signed by the Mayor this 21st day of December, 1981. (SEAL) ATTEST: C � D. L. Harrison, City Clerk 1-1-1�e x"O" y 41. r Merle A. Hodges, .D., Mayor