Southeast Salina Drainage Study SOUTHEAST SALINA DRAINAGE STUDY FOR THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS October 1997 Engineering Report i ',1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ENGINEERING REPORT The City of Salina, Kansas Southeast Salina Drainage Study City Commissioners Kristin Seaton, Mayor Peter Brungardt Don Heath Alan Jilka Monte Shadwick City Manager Dennis Kissinger Director of Utilities Don Hoff, P.E. DireCtor of Engineering and General Services Shawn O'Leary Director of Planning and Community Development Roy Dudark Address all communication regarding this workto: Wilson & Company P.O. Box 1640 Salina, Kansas 67402-1640 (785) 827-0433 'OR!l[J~@fJ0!J & COMPANY October 1997 97-410-040 * Ir: II I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I 'I 'FABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION I - EXECUTIVE SUMMARY DRAINAGE AT OHIO AND MAGNOLIA INTERSECTION, I, Existing Conditions Ii Alternative Solutions' Improvement Costs PONDING SYSTEMS Ponding Requirements Alternative Solutions!: 'I Improvement Costs ' COST SUMMARY ALTERNATIVE PONDINqiPLANS - DATA SHEETS Combined Ponding qata Sheet Separate Ponding Da~ Sheet ALTERNATIVE SOLUTIONS - DIAGRAMS ,I 'Figure 1. Combined Ponding Plan - Ohio and , Magnolia ~tersection Draining South Figure 2. Combined 'ponding Plan :.. Ohio and Magnolia futersection Draining East Figure 3. Separate P9nding Plan -Ohio and Magnolia Intersection Draining South SECTION IT .- PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF STUDY SECTION Ill- RECOMMENDATIONS AND COSTS GENERAL I ' PROPOSEDIMPROVEMEJ~TS, PHASING AND COSTS 11 Phase I: Ohio and M~gnolia Intersection Drainage System 1. Main Interceptor C lR - Knox Road Ditch " 2. Submain GI-IR - Ohio Street South of Magnolia Rd. " 3. Magnolia Road West of Ohio Street II Phase I Cost Summary , I follows follows follows 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 '7 8 8 8 8 9 I I I I I I I .1 I I I I I I I I I I I ~ i . T!ABLE OF CONTENTS. CONTINUED Phase II: Ponding At;eas and Interconnecting Ditch 9 . 4.' Improvements to the Holmquist Oxbow Channel 9 II . 5. Equalizer :pipe Between Knox 'and Johnson Sandpits 9 "II 6. Main Intercleptor D3R - Interconnecting Ditch between Knox Sandpit to the Holmquist Oxbow 10 Phase II Cost Summary 10 Phase III:, Improvembnts to the Ohio and Belmont Drainage System, to be Conshucted with South Ohio Street Project 11 7. Main Interceptor D2 - Huntington Ditch to the Holmquist Oxbow Channel ' 11 8. Submain D2-1 - Wayne Street 11 I 9. Submain D2-2 - Belmont 11 10. Submain .02-3 - Ohio Street North of Magnolia Road 12 II' , Phase III Cos, Summary . '. 12 I' Phase IV: Future Projects 12 11. LateralC:[-ldR - Ohio Street & Magnolia Road East 12 II 12. Submain i03-lR - East Magnolia Road 12 13. Submain :~2-2R - Southwest of Knox Sandpit 13 14. Improvetrtents to Existmg Schilling Road Ditch System 13 15. Improvethents to Existing Huntington Ditch System 13 ' II Phase IV Cost Summary . , 14 , I SECTION IV - ALTERNATIVE SqLUTIONS ALTERNATIVE OUTLET Jj)RAlNS FROM OIDO AND MAGNOLIA ALTERNATIVE PONDING AREAS 14 15 " . i, SECTION V - IDSTORICAL RAINSTORMS IN SALINA " 16 i! . J. SECTION VI - DETAILED COST ESTIMATES ,. . I 17 - 33 . Ii APPENDIX - PLAN AND PROFILE DRAWINGS II South Salina Drainage Study with 1997 Revisions , I II 32 Sheets, Separate Volume I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . SECTION I - EXECUTIVE SUMMARY . DRAINAGE AT oHi:o AND MAGNOLIA INTERSECTION Existing Conditions An area of 50 acres drains to this intersection from the west, in a sm'all storm drain system and surface flow in the street on Magnolia. The present storm drain system drains north from the intersection, under Ohio ina 24-inch pipe. The capacity of this pipe is less than 15 percent of the rate required to handle a 10-year frequency storm. As the intersection floods out, water overflows into the low land south of Magnolia and east of Ohio, where it combines with runoff from 68 acres of land which is undeveloped except for 11 church at the comer. As ponding builds up in the field and ditches, water flows east in the ditches along Magnolia, but only at a very small rate because of the flat grade. Runoff from even moderate rainstorms quickly exceeds the combined capacities of the Magnolia roadside ditches and the Ohio storm drain. Runofffrom a 3-inch to 4-inch thunderstorm can fill the low areas and build up to a level more than a foot deep in the intersection of Ohio and Magnolia. This can result in flooding depths of abo~t one-foot in the street on Edward, and nearly two feet in the street on Aurora. With larger storms" flooding in the Ohio and Magnolia intersection can reach nearly 1.5-feet in depth before it begins to overflow north on Ohio. Alternative Solutions The 1978 Study recommendations included excavation of a large ponding area on 40 acres of the land east of Ohio and south of Magnolia, with a large and deep ditch running north to the Holmquist Oxbow. The 1978 plan provided an outlet from the Ohio and Magnolia intersection into the proposed pondingarea, with enlarged collection systems west of Ohio. The current study recommends the neededponding be provided in the Knox and Johnson Sandpits south of Magnolia, with an interconnecting ditch to the Holmquist Oxbow located 1/2-mile east of Ohio. (See discussion of alternative ponding systems elsewhere in this report.) The recommended outlet for drainage from the Ohio and Magnolia intersection is an underground concrete box running south along Ohio to the existing Knox Sandpit Road ditch. The ditch east to the sandpit would have to be enlarged and deepened, and existing. culverts and storm drain outlets at Ohio and Knox Road would be modified. See Figure 1. An alternative route for the outlet drain was considered, running east along the south side of Magnolia 1/2-mile in an Underground concrete box, to the proposed interconnecting ditch, and thereby to the Knox Sandpit. See Figure 2. This alternative was found to be considerably more costly than the recommended route, priniarily because of the greater length of more expensive underground drain. 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,~ "." In addition to the outlet drain, enlarged storm drains are needed west of Ohio to collect drainage ' from the streets. A main storm drain would extend along the south side of Magnolia, from Ohio to Kensington, and lateral storm drains woUld extend north from it on Aurora and Edward streets. Improvement Costs Estimated projectcosts are $1,394,000 for the complete system including the outlet drain from the' Ohio and Magnolia intersection to the Knox Sandpit, and the collection system west of Ohio on Magnolia, Aurora and Edward streets. If the collection system west of Ohio were to be deferred, and only the outlet drain from the Ohio and Magnolia intersection to the Knox Sandpit were to be built, additional inlet capacity would be required on Magnolia directly west of Ohio to pick up surface flow in the street. In that case, estimated, cost of the outlet drain is $1,086,000 and then completion of the collection system, as a later project, would cost an estimated $366,000 for a total cost of , $1,452,000. PONDING SYSTEMS Ponding Requirements When the river is up, storm runoff inside ,the levee system has to be stored temporarily,. or pumped over the levee. Temporary storage is preferred, rather than pumping, because it is generally the cheaper and more reliable solution. Storage provides an additional benefit in that smaller outlet drains are required through the levee. The 1978 Study resulted in a plan for excavating ponding areas on 115 acres of land south of Magnolia and east of Ohio. Two very significant changes have occurred since that time. One is the construction of a diversion system and surface ponding area south of Schilling Road. The other is the expansion of sandpits in the area between Magnolia and Schilling Road. The Schilling Road ditch and ponding area effectively cuts off 1,530 acres of drainage area and provides ponding sufficient to store runoff from a 100-year, 24-hour storm. This substantially reduces storage requirements in the Knox Sandpit area. The remaining drainage area to Knox/Johnson Sandpits is 770 acres. Furthermore, since 1978 the sandpits have been enlarged from about 14 acres to 72 acres. As a result, the potential storage available in the sandpits is nearly twice , the volume needed to store runoff from a 100-year storm on the remaining area. Another 770 acres drains to the Holmquist Oxbow, which is the old river channel around Red Fox Lane. Storage available in the old channel is quite small in relation to the drainage area. It could be filled by runoff from less than 3-inches of rain during a time when the river is up. The capacity of the levee outlet drain is also inadequate and would need to be enlarged considerably if no additional ponding is provided. Alternative Solutions Two alternatives have been evaluated, either of which would provide the desired 100-year, 24-hour storage volume for both the Holmquist oxbow drainage area and the Knox-Johnson Sandpit drainage 2 " area: One would be to build an excavated detention pond on about 40 acres of land just south of and connected to the Holmquist Oxbow. This is referred to as the "Separate Ponding Plan" and is shown on Figure 3. The other alternative would be to build an interconnecting ditch between the Holmquist . Oxbow and the Knox-Johnson Sandpits, which will provide sufficient storage for both areas combined. . This is called the "Combined Ponding Plan" and is shown on both Figure 1 and Figure 2. The tables shown on pages 4 and 5 oftllls report, titled "Separate Ponding Plan" and "Combined Ponding Plan", show required and available storage volumes for the two alternatives. The Separate Ponding Plan would include improvement qf the levee outlet drain from the Kp.ox Sandpit, which passes through the levee just north of Magnolia, with a larger pipe set at a lower elevation than the existing pipe; so that . stored runoff could be drained down in a reasonable time after a storm. This would not be neces~ary with the Combined Ponding Plan, as the interconnecting ditch would allow temporary ponding it1 the Knox-Johnson Sandpits to drain out through the larger, exi,sting levee outlet drain at the Holmquist Oxbow. The interconnecting ditch for the Combined Ponding Plan would slope gently each way from a . concrete box culvert at Magnolia. The ditch would be large (30-foot bottom width) and deep (12 to .. 14 feet). The Combined Ponding Plan is recommended because of lower estimated costs ($700,000 less); less taking of developable land (22 acres less); and, certain functional advantages including lower ponding levels in the sandpits and more benefit from future expansion of the sandpits. Improvement Costs Estimated project costs are $1,075,000. This includes the interconnecting ditch, cleaning of the old . river channel in the Holmquist Oxbow and concrete box culverts for road crossings at Knox Road, Magnolia Road and Albert Street. COST SUMMARY Estimated Proiect Costs ($I,OOO's) Project Cost Cumulative Costs Ohio/Magnolia Drainage System: Part I.-Outlet Drain Part 2.-Collection System $1,086 $ 366 $1,086 $1,452 Pond Interconnection System $1,075 $2,527 3 ------------------- SCHILLING PONDING AREA DRAINAGE AREA MAX. NON-FLOODING ELEV. ~ RUNOFF VOLUME, 24 HR. STORM: 100 YR. - ULT. DEVELOPMENT STORAGE VOLUME AVAILABLE: NON-FLOODING ELEV. STORAGE VOLUME . 770 AC.-Ft. 1530 Ac. 1243.5 700 AC.-Ft. w. S. ELEV. 1243.5 ci ~ C) z :i ..J i: o en ci ~ cr: :i o z ~ :E KNOX I JOHNSON SANDPITS COMBINED WITH HOLMQUIST OXBOW CHANNEL DRAINAGE AREA MAX. NON-FLOODING ELEV. RUNOFF VOLUME, 24 HR. STORM: 100 YR. - UL T. DEVELOPMENT STORAGE VOLUME AVAILABLE: NON-FLOODING ELEV. COMBINED PONDING PLAN 1540 Ac. 1228.5 660 AC.-Ft.. STORAGE VOLUME w. S. ELEV. 670 AC.-Ft. 1228.5 - - - - .- - - - - - -- o 0: Cl z :i ..J i: o fI) SCHILLING PONDING AREA KNOX I JOHNSON SANDPITS DRAINAGE AREA DRAINAGE AREA 1530 Ac. 770 Ac. MAX. NON-FLOODING ELEV. 1243.5 MAX. NON-FLOODING ELEV. 1229.5 RUNOFF VOLUME, 24 HR. STORM: RUNOFF VOLUME. 24 HR. STORM: VI 100 YR. - UL T. DEVELOPMENT 700 AC.-Ft. 100 YR. - UL T. DEVELOPMENT 320 AC.-Ft. STORAGE VOLUME AVAILABLE: STORAGE VOLUME AVAILABLE: STORAGE W.S. STORAGE W.S. VOLUME ELEV. VOLUME ELEV. NON-FLOODING ELEV. 770 AC.-Ft. 1243.5 NON-FLOODING ELEV. 600 AC.-Ft. 1229.5 SEPARATE PONDING PLAN - - - - o 0: c( :i o z ~ :2 - -- HOLMQUIST OXBOW DRAINAGE AREA MAX. NON-FLOODING ELEV. RUNOFF VOLUME. 24 HR. STORM: 100 YR. - UL T. DEVELOPMENT STORAGE VOLUME AVAILABLE: NON-FLOODING ELEV. REQUIRED ADDITIONAL PONDING STORAGE VOLUME 90 AC.-Ft. 250 AC.-Ft. 770 Ac. 1228.5 340!Ac.-Ft. W.S.. ELEV. 1228.5 1228.5 - . I I I ro; ~.-- ,,~ , I ,,~ .1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - WIISOIV & COMPANY FIGURE I I I I I I I I I I I' I I I I I ,I I I I - '- WIlSON & COMPANY FIGURE 2 , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I - WIISOIV & COMPANY FIGURE 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION II - PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF STUDY The purpose of this engineering study is to review the drainage systems and detention basins proposed in the 1978 South Salina Drainage Study (referred to as the 1978 Study for the remainder of this report) for the drainage systems in'southeast Salina generally betWeen Cloud Street on the north, Mentor Road on the south, the flood protection levee on the east and the railroad tracks on the west. These areas, represented by Systems C and'D in the 1978 Study, drain to the Smoky Hill River through levee. drainage structures. Alternative concepts were developed that reflect existing and planned land use, current City of Salina storm drainage criteria, and drainage projects that have been completed since the 1978 Study ~ The scope of this engineering study also includes the. following: develop hydrologic and hydraulic analyses of recommended main drainage systems and detention basins; develop supplemental plan and profile sheets similar to those developed in the 1978 Study showing recommended locations, sizes, depths and capacities of the main drainage systems and detention basins; revise the original 1978 ,Study plan and profile sheets to reflect changes and reference the new supplemental sheets; outline an initial project to improve drainage at the OhiolMagnolia intersection; provide cost estimates for the initial project and provide cost estimates for the remainder of the recommended drainage systems. SECTION III - RECOMMENDATIONS AND COSTS GENERAL The locations, sizes, capacities, drainage areas and profiles of the. revised proposed improvements are shown on the Supplemental Appendix sheets lAR, 7R, 8R, 9R, l1R, 12R, 13R, 31 and 32. These new sheets have been combined with the 1978 Study Appendix sheets, some of which have been revised to reflect the updates and revisions developed during this study. This revised set is meant to serve as a working guide plan for future drainage improvements. The recommended improvements are similar to those proposed in the 1978 Study, but have been modified to reflect changes that have taken place since 1978. The major changes that have taken place since 1978 are the Schilling Road Ditch and Ponding Area project and the increased storage capacity in Knox/Johnson Sandpits. The'Schilling Road Ditch and Ponding Area project completed in 1997, has intercepted runoff from 1530 acres that previously drained to Knox/Johnson Sandpits from south of Schilling Road and diverted itto' a ponding area adjacent to the levee immediately south of Schilling Road. The remaining 770 acres continue to drain to Knox/Johnson Sandpits. In the event of a 100 year - 24 hour storm, 770 acre-feet of runoff will be intercepted by the Schilling Road Ditch and 320 acre-feet of water will drain to Knox/Johnson Sandpits. The detention volume of Knox/Johnson Sandpits has increased since 1978 arid is expected to contipue to increase in the near future. Also, an additional sandpit by Alsop Sand Company, is 6 ,~' .". I I I I I- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . expected to provide additionalpondin~ immediatelY!l,orth of Schilling Road between Ohio Street and the levee. ill 1978, Knox Sandpit had 161 acre-feet of storage capacity at a water surface elevation of 1230.0. Currently, Knox/Johnson Sandplts have 600 acre-feet of storage capacity at a water surface elevation of 1229.5. The drainage basins considered in this study are represented by Systems C and D in the 1978 Study. The Schilling Road Ditch and Ponding Area project has split System C into two drainage basins. Therefore, for this study we have renamed these systems. The portion of System C south of . Schilling that now drains to the Schilling Ponding Area is referred to as System C1,R in this report. The portion of System C north of Schilling that continues to drain to Knox Sandpit is referred to as System C2,R. The drainage basin referred to as System Din the 1978 Study is referred to as System DR for this' study. The drainage boundaries and system identifications are shown on sheet lAR of the SuppleI1?-ental Appendix. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS, PHASING AND COSTS The improvements proposed in this s~dy are revised improvements recommended in the. 1978 Study. The improvements in Systems C and D recommended in the 1978 Study that are not shown to be revised in this study, are still considered as part of the overall plan. The cost estimates given in this report include the revised improvements discussed in this report only, they do not include the recommended improvements presented in the 1978 Study that are still valid. There are a few major differences in what was recommended in the 1978 Study and what is recommended in this report. The 1978 Study recommended draining the Ohio and Magnolia intersection north under Ohio to the HolInquist oxbow channel(Red Fox Lane). It is recommended in this report to drain this intersection south along Ohio to the Knox Road ditch. The 1978 Study recommended excavating a large ponding area south of Magnolia Road and east of Ohio Street. It is recommended in this report to utilize the enlarged Knox/Johnson Sandpit area as detention storage for System DR as well as System C2,R. A large interconnecting ditch between Holmquist oxbow channel and Knox Sandpit is recommended to allow water to flow south as the Holmquis,t oxbow begins to fill. The three drainage systems included in this study have a total drainage area of 3,070 acres or 4.8 square miles. Following are brief outlines, phasing recommendations, and costs for each of the revised improvements recommended in this study. 7 I I' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I :{s:; .,:;;.,~. ':".' Phase I: . Ohio and Maenolia Intersection Drainal!:e System Phase I consists of three projects designed to improve storm drainage for Ohio and Magnolia intersection. The three projects of Phase I will provide relief for the fully developed areas on Aurora, Edward, Magnolia and.Ohiofrom flooding during high intensity rainfalls. ~ 1. Main Interceptor C1R - Knox Road Ditch: The location, size, capacity and profile are shown on sheets 1AR, 12R and 31 in the appendix. . The existing Knox Road ditch currently receives drainage from approximately 115 acres west of Ohio between Magnolia and Schilling. It is recommended that this ditch be enlarged and /JI]) ~ deepened to handle the discharge from the Magnolia-Ohio intersection at a maximum water (/ J,.H surface elevation low enough to prevent flooding in the low areas on Aurora Avenue ~1 M (elevation 1229.5). The enlarged ditch will receive drainage from 194 acres as additional ,~ ~.J(6 drainage area from the Magnolia-Ohio intersection and the field north of Knox Road will be PIS> c- added. .t-'(.; ~\.r> {~ The estimated project cost is $183,500. The detailed cost estimate is shown on page 17. 'A 2. Submain CI-IR - Ohio Street South of Magnolia Road; Ohio and Magnolia Intersection: The location, size, capacity and profile are shown on sheets 1AR, 12R and 31 in the . appendix. This project consists of a concrete box drain to carry the discharge from the 75 acres that . .' flow to the Ohio-Magnolia intersection at an elevation lower than the low street elevation on Aurora Ave., 1229.5. A collection system to drain street flow from the Ohio Street and Magnolia Road intersection is included with this project. The estimated project cost is $752,600. The detailed cost estimate is shown on page 18. 3. Magnolia Road West:ofOhio Street: This project consists of a combination of the three laterals, Lateral C1-1 aR, Lateral C 1-1bR . and Lateral Cl-lcR.This project will improve the short term flooding problems caused by undersized inlets and storm drain pipes on Aurora, Edward, and Magnolia by extending the enlarged collection system west from the Ohio and Magnolia intersection. The locations, sizes, capacities and profiles of these three laterals are shown on sheets 1AR, 9R and 31 in the appendix. . .. Lateral C 1-1 aR (Ohio Street and Magnolia Road) consists of enlarged storm drains and inlets along Magnolia west of Ohio to the intersection of Kensington Road, to provide 10-year frequency capacity. It has an estimated project cost of $313,600; the detailed cost estimate is shown on page 19. 8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Lateral C 1-1 bR (Edward Street) consists of enlarged storm drains north along Edward Street to provide 10-year frequency capacity. It has an estimated project cost of$64, 1 00; the detailed cost estimate is shown on page 20. Lateral C 1-1 cR (Aurora Avenue) consists of enlarged storm drains north along Aurora Avenue to provide 10-year frequency capacity. It has an estimated project cost of $74,200; the detailed cost estimate is shown on page 21. Phase I Cost Summary: Project . Number SystemLocation & Description Project Cost l' 2 3 C1R Ponding Area & Knox Road Ditch C1-1R Ohio St. - South of Magnolia Rd. Magnolia Road West of Ohio Street $333,500 . $752,600 $365,900* TOTAL PHASE I $1,452,000 * This cost estimate has been adjusted to account for the collection system included with Project No.2 of this phase. Phase IT: Pondin2:,Areas and Interconnectin2: Ditch Although Phase I is the initial recommended phase, Phase II is just as important in terms of long term storm drainage management as development continues in southeast Salina. The large interconnecting ditch will provide temporary ponding for the Holmquist oxbow channel and 770 acres(mostly developed) that drain to it. The interconnecting ditch will also allow water ponded in Knox/Johnson Sandpits to drawdown to an elevation needed to provide .the flood protection that this system was designed to provide. 4. Improvements to the Holmquist oxbow channel: The location, size, capacity and profile are shown on sheets IAR, 13R and 32 in the . appendix. ' This project is designed to improve the drainage conditions of the oxbow channel. It . includes channel excavation and a larger culvert at Albert Avenue. . - The estimated project cost is $159,600. The detailed cost estimate is shown on page 22. . 5. Equalizer Pipe Between Knox and Johnson Sandpits:. The location and size are shown on sheets 1AR and 12R in the appendix. 9 c. ~~ .:-~. ' . : :....'..}.. ~.... , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I This project will allow the; new and expanding Johnson Sandpit to be utilized for stormwater . detention along with Knox Sandplt. The detention capacity of this sandpit is included in calculations used to develop the recommendations presented in this report. The detention capacity used m this study is based on the size of the sandpit in March of 1997(the date of the aerial photographs). Therefore, the total detention capacity presented in this report for this system will increase as removal of sand continues as planned. The estiinated project cost is $56,000. The detailed cost estimate is shown on page 23. 6. Main Interceptor D3R - Intercpnnecting Ditch between Knox Sandpit and the Holmquist Oxbow: The location, size, capacity and profile are shown on sheets lAR, l2R, 13R and 32 in the appendix. . " " This major ditch project is designed to provide drainage System DR, shown on sheet lAR of . the Appendix, sufficie~t detention capacity to ~andle a 100 year, 24 hour storm with no flooding in the low street areas immediately north of the oxbow channel on Briarwood Drive and Parkwood Drive. This "ditch is designed to allow water from the Holmquist oxbow channel to flow south to Knox/Johnson Sandpits as water builds up in the oxbow, either from inflow rates exceeding the capacity of the levee outlet structure or from blockage of the outlet by high river stages. Conversely, when stormwater flowing into the oxbow subsides, and the water level in the total ponding area is above the box culvert flowline at Magnolia Road, water from Knox/Johnson Sandpits would discharge north through the Holmquist oxbow levee outlet structure(1 - 78 inch pipe). A concrete pilot channel will be provided in the bottom of the interconnecting ditch for erosion protection and cleaning purposes. The estimated project cost is $859,600. The detailed cost estimate is shown on page 24. Phase IT Cost Stimmary: Project Number System Location & Description Project Cost 4 5 6 Improvements to the Holmquist Oxbow Channel Equalizer Pipe between Knox and Johnson Sandpits D3R Knox to Holmquist Interconnecting Ditch $159,600 $ 56,000 $859,600 TOTAL PHASE IT $1,075,200 10 /'~''''-'''''''''' ""..:, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Phase ill: Improvements to the Ohio and Belmont Drainae:e System. to be Constructed with South Ohio Street Proiect Phase ill consists of projects generally unchanged from the 1978 Study. A portion of Sub main D2-2 on Belmont Blvd. has been completed and this change has been updated on sheet 9 of the Appendix. The recommended improvements for this phase are shown on sheets 9, 13R, 25, 26 and 27 of the Appendix. The cost estimate provided for this phase includes only the projects that will likely be completed as part of a South Ohio Street improvement project. This estin:late does not include the parallel 72" storm drain pipe under Wayne Street west of Ohio Street. The 2 -7' x 6' box culvert, Submain D2-1, would be oversized until the additional 72" drain pipe is installed on Wayne Street. 7. Main Interceptor D2 - Huntington Ditch to the Holmquist Oxbow Channel: The location, size, capacity and profile are shown on sheets 1AR, 13R and 25 in the appendix. . 11/J This recommended ditch project is similar to the project presented in the 1978 Study. The ditch bottom width was reduced due to a reduction in drainage area flowing to the ditch. The ditch sideslopes were flattened to meet current City of Salina stormwater drainage criteria. t. 8. \ f3~ O~ This recommended project is unchanged from the project presented in the 1978 Study. The . .)'1. cost of a portion of this Submain, from the Ohio and Belmont intersection east to the { . Huntington Ditch, is included in this study as if it were to be completed with a South Ohio \ Street Improvement project. .' \. The e$!imated project cost is $823,800. The detailed cost est~ejs.shown'''npage 26-:- ~ -------- -~-.. l' 9. Subma~D2::2-=-:Belmont: . .. . . The estimated project cost is $67,800. The detailed cost estimate is shown on pa~~'-7-~ Subma4I D2-1 - Wayn~Street: .. . . ~// '\ , . The location, size, capacity and profile are shown on sheets 13R and 26 in the appendix. The iocation, size, capacity and profile are shown on sheets 9R and 26 in the appendix. . 16) . '. " This recommended project is similar to the project presented in the 1978 Study. A portion of the 54" d,rain pipe under Belmont proposed in the 1978 Study has been built. The project recommended in this study will tie the exit end ofthe newly placed 54'; drainage pipe to the inlet end of the 2-7'x6' RCB, proposed in Submain D2-1, with a 72" RCP. The. estimated project cost is $46,200. The detailed cost estimate-is shown on page 27. 11 " .,.<., I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ., 10. Submain D2-3 - Ohio Street North of Magnolia Road The location, size, capacity and profile are shown on sheets 9, 13R and 27 in the appendix. This recommended project is unchanged from the project presented in the 1978 Study. The cost of the project has.beenupdated and included in thisphase~' The estimated project cost is $308,300. The detailed cost estimate is shown on page 28. 'Phase III Cost Summary: Project Number System Location & Description Project Cost 7 8 9 10 ,.D2 iD2-1 D2-2 D2-3 Huntington Ditch to Holmquist Oxbow , Wayne & Ohio to Huntington Dt. Outlet Remaining East Portion of Belmont Drain Ohio Street North of Magnolia Road' TOTAL PHASE III $ 67,800 $823,800 _. $ 46,200 $308,300 $1,246,100 Phase IV: Future Proiects The projects listed in Phase IV are projects expected to be constructed in the future as urban d~velopment warrants them. The cost estimates provided in this study are based on 1997 prices. These costs should be re-evaluated in the future. 11. Lateral C 1-1 dR - Ohio Street and Magnolia Road East: Thelocation, size, capacity and profile are shown on sheets 1AR, 12R and 31 in the appendix. This project consists of a storm drain from the Ohio-Magnolia intersection east along the south side of Magnolia Road approximately 1,050 feet. This system is sized to handle drainage from Magnolia Road and an area approximatel)' 500 feet wide !tom the fteld ~ ' directly south of Magnolia-Road. This project is designed under the assumptions that it will be Duiltwith--aMigiiolia Road improvement project and that-the area south of Magnolia Road will be fully developed. The estimated project cost is $154,300. The detailed cost estimate is shown on page 29. 12. Submain D3-1R - East Magnolia Road: The location, size, capacity and profile are shown on sheets 1AR, 12R and 32 in the appendix~ 12 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I This storm drain project is designed to handle runoff from Magnolia Road and an area approximately 500 feet wide from ilie field directly south of Magnolia Road. This project is designed under the assumptions that it will be built with a Magnolia Road improvement project after Main Interceptor D3R has been built and that the area south of Magnolia Road will be fully developed. The estimated project cost is $130,500. The detailed cost estimate is shown on page 30. 13. Submain C2-2R - Southwest of Knox Sandpit: The location, size, capacity and profile are shown on sheets lAR, l2R and 31 in the appendix. ' ~6ThiS project will provide storm drainage for future development in the quarter section of land southwest of Knox Sandpit. Although this drainage system is sized to 4andle runoff from the entire quarter section (160 acres) in a fully developed condition, the southeast 60 acres is expected to drain to a future sandpit in that area. The estimated project cost is $90,700. The detailed cost estimate is shown on page 31. 14. Improvements to Existing Schilling Road Ditch System: The location and size are shown on sheet lAR and 7R in the appendix. These recommended improvements are designed to handle runoff from the drain,age area defmedas System C1,R, shown on sheet lARofthe Appendix, in a fully developed condition. This drainage area consists of 1,528 acres from Mentor Road to Schilling Road between the railroad tracks and the flood control levee. It also includes 77 acres immediately south of the Bonnie Ridge Addition between the railroad tracks and Ohio Street. The estimated project cost is $122,100. The detailed cost estimate is shown on page 32. 15. Improvements to Existing'Huntington Ditch System: The location and size are shown on sheet lAR and 13R in the appendix. These improvements are designed to handle runoff from 84 acres that currently drain to the 'Huntington ditch, in a fully developed condition. The estimated project cost i~ $36,300. The detailed cost estimate is shown on page 33. 13 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Phase IV Cost Summary: Project Number System Location & Description Project Cost 11 12 13 14 15 Cl-ldR Ohio Street & Magnolia Road East D3-lR East Magnolia Road .C2-2R Southwest of Knox Sandpit Improvements to Existing Schilling Road Ditch System Iinprovements to the HWltington Ditch System $154,300 $130,500 $ 90,700 : $122,100 $ 36,300 TOTAL PHASE V $533,900 SECTION IV - ALTERNATIVE SOLUTIONS AL TERNA TlVE OUTLET DRAINS FROM omo AND MAGNOLIA The 1978 Study recommended excavating a large ponding area on 40 acres of land east of Ohio and south of Magnolia, with a large and deep ditch rwming north to the Holmquist Oxbow. The 1978 plan provided an outlet from the Ohio and Magnolia intersection into the proposed ponding area, with enlarged collection systems west of Ohio. The current study recommends,the needed ponding be provided in the Knox and Johnson Sandpits. south of Magnolia, with an interconnecting ditch to the Holmquist Oxbow located 1/2:..mile east of Ohio. (See discussion of alternative ponding systems on the following page.) The recommended outlet for drainage from the Ohio and Magnolia intersection is an underground concrete box running south along Ohio to the existing Knox Sandpit Road ditch. The ditch east to the sandpit would have to be enlarged and deepened, and existing culverts and storm drain outlets at Ohio and Knox Road would be modified. See Figure 1. An alternative route for the outlet drain was considered, rwming east along the south side of Magnolia 112-mile in an underground concrete box, to the proposed interconnecting ditch, and thereby to the Knox Sandpit. See Figure 2. This alternative was found to be considerably more 'costly than the recommended route, primarily because of the greater length of more expensive . underground drain. In addition to the outlet drain, enlarged storm drains are needed west of Ohio to collect drainage from the streets. A main storm drain would extend along the south side 'of Magnolia, from Ohio to Kensington, and lateral storm drains would extend north from it ori Aurora and Edward streets. 14 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ALTERNATIVE PONDING AREAS Two alternatives have been evaluated, either of which would provide the desired 100-year, 24-hour storage volume for both the Holmquist oxbow drainage area and Knox-Johnson Sandpit drainage area. One would be to build an excavated detention pond on about 40 acres of land just south of and connected to the Holmquist oxbow. This is referred to as the , "Separate Ponding Plan" and is shown on Figure 3. The other alternative would be to build an interconnecting ditch between the Holmquist oxbow and Knox-Johnson Sandpits, which will provide sufficient storage for both areas combined. This is called the "Combined Ponding Plan" and is shown on both Figure, 1 and Figure 2. The tables shown on pages 4 and 5, titled "Separate Ponding Plan" and "Combined Ponding Plan", show required and available storage volumes for the two alternatives. The Separate Ponding Plan would include improvement of the levee outlet, drain from the Knox . Sandpit, which passes through the levee just north of Magnolia, with a larger pipe set at a lower elevation than the existing pipe; so that stored runoff could be drained down in a reasonable time after a storm. This would not be necessary with the Combined Ponding Plan, as the interconnecting ditch would allow temporary ponding in Knox-Johnson Sandpitsto drain out through the larger, existing levee outlet drain at the Holmquist oxbow. The interconnecting ditch for the Combined Ponding Plan would 'slope gently each way from a concrete box culvert at Magnolia Road. The ditch would be large (30-foot bottom width) and deep (12 to 14 feet). The Combined Ponding Plan is recommended because oflower estimated costs ($700,000 less); less taking of developable land (22 acres'less); and, certain fimctional advantages including lower ponding levels in the sandpits and more benefit from future expansion of the sanqpits. 15 I I I 'I' I I' I I I I ,I: I I I I I I I I SECTION V .;. HISTORICAL RAINSTORMS IN SALINA May 31, 1996: " July 4 & 13,1993: Aug. 31- Sept. 1, 1977: October 10-11, 1973: September 23-27, 1973: May 20 &' 21, 1971: September 3, 1967: , July 9-11, 1963: June & July, 1951 : 6.5" (Salina Journal) ~'" '~~L/f..VtIl1)lkjc.:lp , , ,4.28" 9:15-10:45 (100 Yr') (River 700cfs on 5/31; 5,100cfs on 6/1) While river up: 7/2- 8/22, 3,000 to 8,000cfs Rain: 7/4 2.35" 7/13 4.2" 6.65" official (100 yr, 12 hr) 8-8.5" unofficial, south Salina duration approx. 12 hr River stage 1225 8/31 ' 5.14 " 9/1 ' 1.51" 5.45" 12 days ' 5.45" 14 days 6.1" 11 day 4.82" II day 6.7" I 3 days Recording Gage 6/6 5.82" (2.48"/max 1 hr) 6/7 7/10 2.85" 7/11 1.87" 7/12 3.39" (3.05"/max 1 hr) Non-Rec. 0.88" 5.13" 0.23'.' 4.53" 4.05" 16 I I I I ,I' I I I I I I I I' I,. I I: il I! I _.}.'"'; ,it' ~, SALINA, KANSA,S SOUTHEAST SALINA DRAINAGE STUDY PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE OF COSTS System C2,R . Main Interceptor C 1 R Knox Road Ditch PART A - CONSTRUCTION COST Item No. Description Quantity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 . 10 11 Excavation (Common) 1 - 16' x 4' x 90' RCB 1 - 6' x 4' x 100' RCB 36" RCP Curb Inlets Manholes RipRap(Light Stone) (24") Pavement Removal & Replacement Seeding Miscellaneous Items Contingencies 24,050 1 1 50 .2 1 278 100 4 1 1 Unit C.Y. Each Each L.F. Each Each S.Y. S.Y. Ac. L.S. L.S. TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST PART B - PROJECT COST Construction Cost LandRights 4 Ac. @ $5,000/Ac. Engineering:Admmistrative & Legal TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST '17 Unit Price $1.60 37,050.00 18,000.00 51.00 2,400.00 2,400.00 35.00 40.00 1,500.00 6,200.00 12,900.00 Extension $38,500 37,100 18,000 2,600 4,800 2,400 9,700 4,000 6,000 , 6,200 12.900 $142,200 $142,200 20,000 21.300 $183,500 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I: I I I I PART A - CONSTRUCTION COST Item No. . Description SALINA, KANSAS SOUTHEAST SALINA DRAINAGE STUDY . PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE OF COSTS System C2,R Submain CI-IR Ohio Street South of Magnolia Road Quantity 1 Excavation (Class ill) 2 1 - 9' x 4' x 1400' RCB . 2 1 - 6' xA' X 200' RCB 3 48" RCP 4 36" RCP 5 30" RCP 6 24" RCP 7 Curb Wets 6 Curb Inlets - Double . 7 Grate Inlets (10') 8 Manholes 9 Removal of Existing Structures 10 Pavement Removal & Replacement 11 Seeding 12 . Miscellaneous Items 13 Contingencies . 6,308 - 1 1 155 '195 50 50 4 2 3 6 1 792 .2.25 1 1 Unit C.Y. Each Each L.F. L.F. . LF. L.F. Each Each Each . Each Each . S.Y.' Ac. L.S. L.S. TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST . PART B- PROJECT COST Construction Cost Land Rights 2 Ac. @ $5,000/ Ac. Engineering, Administrative & Legal TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST 18 Unit Price . $11.60 336,650.00 33,140.00 79.00 51.00 36.00 30.00 2,400.00 5,000.00 7,000.00 2,400.00 500.00 40.00 . 1,500.00 28,000.00 58,700.00 Extension $73,200 336,700 33,100 12,200 9,900 1,800 1,500 9,600 10,000 21,000 14,400 500 31,700 3,400 28,000 58.700 $645,700 $645,700 10,000 96.900 $752,600 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SALINA, KANSAS SOUTHEAST SALINA DRAINAGE STUDY PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE OF COSTS System C2,R Lateral C 1-1 aR Ohio Street and Magnolia Road PART A - CONSTRUCTION COST Item Unit No. Description Ouantity Unit Price Extension 1 Excavation (Class ill) 2,960 C.Y. _ $11.60 $34,300 '2 1 -6' x 4' x 390' RCB 1 Each 62,700.00 62,700 3 1 - 5' x 4' X 390' RCB 1 Each 45;150.00 45,200 4 48" RCP 490 L.F. 79.00 . 38,700 5 36" RCP 50 L.F. ' 51.00 2,600 6 24" RCP 50 L.F. 30.00 1,500 7 Curb Inlets 8 Each 2,400.00 19,200 8 Manholes 2 Each 2,400.00 4,800 9 Pavement Removal & Replacement 667 S.Y. 40.00 26,700 10 Seeding' 0.25 Ac. 1,500.00 400 11 Miscellaneous Items 1 -L.S. 11,800.00 11 ,800 12 Contingencies 1 L.S. -- 24,800.00 24.800 TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $272,700 PART B -PROJECT COST Construction Cost Engineering, Administrative & Legal $272,700 40.900 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST $313,600 19 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SALINA, KANSAS SOUTHEAST SALINA DRAINAGE STUDY PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE OF COSTS PART A - CONSTRUCTION COST Item No. Description 1 Excavation (Class ill) 2. 18" RCP 3 30" RCP. 4 36" RCP 5 Curb Inlets 6 Pavement Removal & Replacement 7 Seeding 8 Miscellaneous Items 9 Contingencies System C2,R Lateral C 1-1 bR Edward Street Ouantity Unit 440 C.Y. 100 L.F. :30 L.F. 350 L.F. 4 Each 278 S.Y. 0.25 . Ac. 1 L.S. 1 L.S. . TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST PART B - PROJECT COST Construction Cost Land Rights 0.25 Ac. @ $5,000/Ac. Engineering, Administrative & Legal TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST 20 Unit. Price $1 i.60 20.00 36.00 51.00 2,400.00 40.00 1,500.00 2,400.00 5,000.00 Extension $5,100 2,000 1,100 17,900 9,600 11,100 400 2,400 5,000 $54,600 . $54,600 1,300 8,200 $64,100 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , ,'.' ' SALINA, KANSAS SOUTHEAST SALINA DRAINAGE STUDY' PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE OF COSTS PART A - CONSTRUCTION COST Item No. Description 1 Excavation (Class ill) 2 18" RCP 3 30" RCP 4 36" RCP 5 Curb Inlets .6 Pavement Removal & Replacement 7 Seeding 8 Miscellaneous Items 9 Contingencies System C2,R Lateral Cl-lcR Aurora Avenue Quantity Unit 617 C.Y. 100 L.F.. 30 L.F. 440 L.F. 4 Each 306 S.Y. 0.25 Ac. 1 L.S. 1 L.S. TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST PART B - PROJECT COST Construction Cost Land Rights 0.25 Ac. @ $5,000/Ac. Engineering, Administrative & Legal TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST 21 Unit Price' $11.60 20.00 36.00 51.00 2,400.00 40.00 1,500.00 2,700.00 5,800.00 Extension $7,200 2,000 1,100 22,400 9,600 12,200 400 2,700 . 5,800 $63,400 $63,400 1,300 9,500 $74,200 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SALINA, KANSAS SOUTHEAST SALINA DRAINAGE STUDY PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE OF COSTS System DR Improvements to the Holmquist Oxbow Channel (Drainage Structure & Channel Improvements for Holmquist Ox-Bow Channel) PART A - CONSTRUCTION COST Item Unit No: Description Ouantity Unit Price Extension 1 Excavation (Class ill) 7,250 C.Y. $11.60 $84,100 2 1 - 10' x 10' x 40' RCB 1 Each 31,700.00 31,700 3 Pavement Removal & Replacement 100 S.Y. 40.00 4,000 4 Seeding 0.25 Ac. 1,500.00 400 5 Miscellaneous Items I L.S. 6,000.00 6,000 6 Contingencies 1 L.S. 12,600.00 12,600 TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $138,800 PART R- PROJECT COST Construction Cost Engineering, Administrative & Legal.. $138,800 20.800 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST $159,600 22 . '.~..." .!' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SALINA, KANSAS SOUTIIEAST SALINA DRAINAGE STUDY . PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE OF COSTS System C2,R Equalizer Pipe Between Knox and Johnson Sandpits (Drainage Structure onS. Side of Knox Sandpit) PART A - CONSTRUCTION COST Item No. Description Ouantity Unit 1 Excavation (Class ill) 2,000 C.Y. 2 48" RCP 210 L.F. 3 End Section 48" RCP 2 Each 4 Seeding 0.25 Ac. 5 Miscellaneous Items 1 L.S. 6 Contingencies 1. L.S. TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST PART B - PROJECTCOST Construction Cost Engineering, Administrative & Legal TOTAL EStIMATED PROJECT COST 23 Unit Price $11.60 79.00 1,000.00 1,500;00 2,100.00 4,400.00 Extension $23,200 16,600 2,000 400 2,100 4.400 $48,700 $48,700 7.300 $56,000 ..',.' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SALINA, KANSAS . SOUTHEAST SALINA DRAINAGE STUDY PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE OF COSTS . Systems C2,R and DR Main Interceptor D3R Interconnecting Ditch between Knox Sandpit and the HoInlquist Oxbow Channel PART A - CONSTRUCTION COST Item Unit No. Description Ouantity Unit Price Extension 1 Excavation (Common) 163,670 C.Y. $1.60 $261,900 2 3 - 10' x 10' x44' RCB 1 Each .63,600.00 63,600 3 3 - 10' X 10' x 54' RCB 1 Each 73,340.00 73,300 4 RipRap (Light Stone) (24") 278 S.Y. 35.00 9,700 5 Cone. Ditch Lining 4480 S.Y. 30.00 . 134,400 6 Pavement Removal & Replacement 200 S.Y. 40.00 8,000 7 Seeding 19 Ac. 1,500.00 28,500 8 Miscellaneous Items 1 L.S. 29,000.00 29,000 9 Contingencies 1 L.S. 60,800.00 60,800 TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $6(i9,200 PART B - PROJECT COST Construction Cost Land Ri~ts 18 Ac.@$5,000/Ac. Engineering, Administrative & Legal . $669,200 90,000 100.400 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST $859,600 24 .1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SALINA, KANSAS SOUTIIEAST SALINA DRAINAGE STUDY PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE OF COSTS System DR Main Interceptor D2 Huntington Ditch to Holmquist Oxbow Channel PART A - CONSTRUCTION COST Item No. Description Quantity . Unit 1 Excavation (Common) 20,800 C.Y. 2 . RipRap (Light Stone) (24") 278 S.Y. 3 Seeding I.S Ac.. 4 o Miscellaneous Items 1 L.S. oOS . Contingencies 1 L.S. TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST PART B - PROJECT COST Construction Cost Land Rights I.S Ac. @ $S,OOO/Ac. . Engineering, Administrative & Legal TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST 25 Unit Price $1.60 3S.00 I,SOO.OO 2,300.00 4,800.00 Extension $33,300 9,700 2,300 2,300 4.800 $S2,400 $S2,400 7,SOO 7.900 $67,800 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SALINA, KANSAS SOUTHEAST SALINA DRAINAGE STUDY PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE OF COSTS System DR East Portion of Submain D2-1 Wayne Street PART A - CONSTRUCTION COST Item No. Description Ouantity Unit 1 Excavation (Class III) 7,162 C.Y. 2 2 - 7' X 6' X BOO' RCB 1 Each. 3 Curb Inlets 3 Each 4 Manholes 1 . Each 5 Seeding. . 0.5 Ac., 6 Miscellaneous Items 1 L.S. 7 Contingencies 1 L.S. TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST PART B - PROJECT COST Construction Cost Land Rights 0.5 Ac. @ $5,000/Ac. Engineering, Administrative & Legal TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST 26 Unit Price 11.60 522,340.00 2,400.00 5,000.00 1,500.00 30,900.00 64,900.00 Extension 83,100 522,300 7,200 5,000 800 30,900 64.900 $714,200 $714,200 2,500 107.1 00 $823,800 .' :."'>, :\ ",~.-;t;...'\'"r".-, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SALINA, KANSAS SOUTHEAST SALINA DRAINAGE STUDY . PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE OF COSTS System DR Remaining East Portion of Submain D2-2 Belmont PART A - CONSTRUCTION COST Item No. Description Ouantity Unit 1 Excavation (Class ill) 650 C.Y. 2 1-72" x 130' RCP 130 Each 3 Miscellaneous Items 1 L.S. 4 Contingencies 1 L.S. . TOTAL ESTIMAlED CONSTRUCTION COST PART B - PROJECT COST Construction Cost Engineering, Administrative & Legal TOTAL ESTIMAlED PROJECT COST 27 Unit Price 11.60 210.00 1,700.00 . 3,700.00 Extension 7,500 27,300 1,700 3.700 $40,200 $40,200 6.000 .. $46,200 " -;;; ... ,'~ .' ,-.-:., ".:;'~ ';"" ""'.' . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SALINA, KANSAS SOUTHEAST SALINA DRAINAGE STUDY PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE OF COSTS System DR Submain D2-3 Ohio Street North of Magnolia Road PART A - CONSTRUCTION COST Item No. Description Ouantity Unit 1 Excavation (Class III) 5,833 C.Y. 2 1- 12.5 ft2x 1500' RCPHE (60"x36") 1500 L.F. 3 Curb Inlets 6 Each 4 Miscellaneous Items 1 LS. 5 Contingencies 1 L.S. TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST PART B - PROJECT COST Construction Cost Engineering, Administrative & Legal TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST 28 Unit Price 11.60 . 100.00 2,400.00 11,600.00 24,400.00 Extension 67,700 150,000 14,400 11,600 24.400 $268,100 $268,100 40.200 $308,300 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Item No. ,'. .,.-<, ~ ','\ ..;-. SALINA, KANSAS SOUTHEAST SALINA DRAINAGE STUDY PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE OF COSTS System C2,R Lateral Cl-ldR Ohio Street and Magnolia Road East PART A - CONSTRUCTION COST .Description Ouantity 1 2 . 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Excavation (Class ill) 36" Rep 42" RCP 48" RCP Curb Inlets Pavement Removal & Replacement Seeding Miscellaneous Items Contingencies 1,900 500 500 50 3 556 0.25 1 1 Unit C.Y. L.F. L.F. L.F. Each S.Y. Ac. L.S. L.S. TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST PART B - PROJECT COST Construction Cost . Land Rights 0.50 Ac. @$5,000/Ac. Engineering, Administrative & Legal TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST 29 Unit Price $11.60 51.00 66.00 79.00 2,400.00 40.00 1,500.00 5,700.00 12,000.00 Extension $22,000 25,500 33,000 4,000 7,200 22,200 400 5,700 12.000 $132,000 $132,000 2,500 19.800 154,300.00 I I I. I I I I' I I I I I I I I I I I I SALINA, KANSAS SOUTHEAST SALINA DRAINAGE STUDY PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE OF COSTS , PART A - CONSTRUCTION COST . Item No. Description 1 Excavation (Class III) 2 30" RCP 3 36" RCP 4 42" RCP 5 Curb Inlets 6 End Section 42" RCP 7 Pavement Removal & Replacement 8 Seeding 9 Miscellaneous Items 10 Contingencies System C2,R Submain D3-lR East Magnolia Road Ouantity 1,450 jOO 350 150 . 3 1 556 1.15 1 1 Unit C.Y. L.F. L.F. L.F. Each Each S.Y. Ac. L.S. L.S. TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST PART B - PROJECT COST . Construction Cost Land Rights I Ac.@ $5,000/Ac. Engineering, Administrative & .Legal TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST 30 Unit Price $11.60 36.00 51.00 ' 66.00 2,400.00 820.00 ' 40.00 1,500.00 4,700.00 .9,900.00 Extension $16,800 18,000 17,900 9,900 7,200 800 22,200 1,700 4,700 9.900 $109,100 $109,100 5,000 16.400 , $130,500 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SALINA, KANSAS SOUTHEAST SALINA DRAINAGE STUDY PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE OF COSTS System C2,R Submain C2-2R Southwest of Knox Sandpit PART A - CONSTRUCTION COST Item No. Description Quantity Unit 1 Excavation (Common) 18,900 C.Y. 2 1 - 8' x 6' X 60' RCD 1 Each 3 RipRap (Light Stone) (24") 278 S.Y. 4 Seeding 5 Ac. 5 Miscellaneous Items 1 L.S. 6 Contingencies 1 L.S. TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST PART D - PROJECT COST Construction Cost Engineering, Administrative & Legal TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST 31 Unit Price $1.60 20,850.00 35.00 1,500.00 3,400.00 7,200.00 Extension $30,200 20,900 9,700 7,500 3,400 7.200 $78,900 $78,900 11.800 90,700.00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SALINA, KANSAS SOUTHEAST SALINA DRAINAGE STUDY PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE OF COSTS System C2,R Improvements to Existing Schilling Road Ditch System PART A - CONSTRUCTION COST Item Unit No. . Description Quantity Unit Price Extension 1 Excavation (Class III) 800 C.Y. $11.60 . $9,300 2 2 - 6' x 6' x 48' RCB 1 Each 22,900.00 22,900 3 2 - 6' x6' x 116' RCB 1 Each 55,320.00 55,300 4 Pavement Removal & Replacement 100 S.Y. 40.00 4,000 5 Seeding 0.25 Ac. 1,500.00 400 6 Miscellaneous Items 1 L.S. 4,600.00 4,600 7 Contingencies 1 L.S.. 9,700.00 9,700 TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $106,200 PART B - PROJECT COST Construction Cost .. Engineering, Administrative & Legal $106,200 15,900 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST $122,100 32 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'I SALINA, KANSAS SOUTHEAST SALINA DRAINAGE STUDY PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE OF COSTS System DR Improvements to Existing Huntington Ditch System (Drainage Structure Improvements for Huntington Ditch) PART A -CONSTRUCTION COST Item No. Description Ouantity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Excavation (Class ill) , 48" RCP End Section 48" RCP Pavement Removal & Replacement Seeding Miscellaneous Items Contingencies 580 155 4 100 0.25 1 1 Unit CY. " ,L.F.' Each S.Y. Ac. L.S. L.S. TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST PART B - PROJECT COST Construction Cost , Engineering, Administrative & Legal TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST 33 Unit Price , $11.60 79.00 ! ,000.00 40.00 1,500.00 1,400.00 2,900.00 Extension $6,700 12,200 4,000 4,000 400 1,400 2.900 $31,600, ,$31,600 4.700 $36;300