Corridor Enhancement Design
P^TTl B....NKS
PIA initiates ond produces cutting edge pldnning Clnd environmental design thot is ecologically driven and community minded.
landscape Architecture _ Park, Greenway, <'Ind Trdll Planning . Natural Resource Plcmning - Community Solutions, Design and Planning
February 23, 2007
Karlton Place, P,E,
City of Salina
300 West Ash
Salina, Kansas 67402-0736
Re: Landscaping and Beautlllcatlon Enhancements at Primary Gateways Into the City of
Salina, Kansas: 1-70/North 9th Street ~md 1-35/Crawford Street Interchanges and Corridors
Dear Karlton:
Thank you for the opportunity to provide Landscape Architectural Design Services in
connection with the project referenced above. We are very pleased to continue the
working relationship with the City of Salina,
The 1-70/North 9th Street Interchange and the 1-135/Crawford Street Interchange are two of
the primary gatways Into the City of Salina. Visitors to the City use these Interchanges and
It Is Important that these gateways are attractive and welcoming. This proposed project
will enhance and beautiful these Important entries.
The City of Salina is participating in a Transportation Enhancement Program to beautify two
primary gateways into the City of Salina, Kansas. The project includes replacing asphalt
medians on North 9th Street with landscaped and irrigated raised medians. These medians,
as well as Kansas Department of Transportation and City roadside right of way at the 1-
70/North 9th Street Interchange and at the 1-135/Crawford Street Interchange will be
planted primarily with native plants and wildflowers.
Patti Banks Associates has been asked to complete landscape and irrigation plans for the
two interchanges and the medians along North 9th Street.
Our detailed Scope of Services is as follows:
The following scope of services represents the recommended requirements to provide
Landscape Design Services for the project as discussed.
929 ~nut Street, Suite 200, Kansas CIty, MIssouri 64106
City of S81in8 Intetcl7fJ17!le En/J8ncements - Scope of Selvlces
fdJtuIry 23,2007
TASK 1: Base Map / Sheet Setup
1.01 Base Map Creation: PBA will create base map information utilizing English units
of measure in AutoCAD format. The City will provide PBA with all required base
map information in electronic format. The base map shall include detailed
existing conditions (curbs, pavement, etc.), utilities, existing water line and
irrigation system information, contours, property information and other pertinent
1.02 Sheet Setup: Using base map information provided by The City of Salina, PBA will
setup sheets for the following:
A. Landscape Plans
B. Landscape Details & General Notes
C. Seeding / Sodding Plans
D. Irrigation Plans
E. Irrigation Details & General Notes
F. Hardscape Plans
G. Miscellaneous Si1e Hardscape Details
H. Quantities Sheet
TASK 2: Concept Design
2.01 Site Visit: PBA will travel to Salina for a site visit to inventory existing conditions
and look at the existing streetscape improvements. During the site visi1, PBA will
meet with representatives from the City and KDOT to finalize landscape concept
design decisions.
2.02 Concept Landscape Desian: During this task, PBA will prepare a Concept
Landscape Design. The Concept Landscape Plan will be hand drawn on the
provided survey and will include the following.
A. General roadway plantings (medians, right of way, etc.)
B. General roadway hardscape elements (pavers, pedestrian ramps, e1c.)
2.03 Public Meetina: PBA will travel to Salina to attend one (1) public meeting and be
available to answer questions rela1ed to PBA's project involvement. The City of
Salina will be responsible for providing the meeting location, refreshments,
meeting notifications, handouts and all facilitation.
Dellverables Include:
4 sets of Concept Design plans
1 rendered plan with typical sections mounted on gator board
City OfS6/intllnterchMge Enh8ncements - Scope ofSelvices
f~ 23,2007
TASK 3: Field Check Plans
After approval is received from the City and KDOT for the Concept Plan, Field Check
Plans (55% Construction Plans) shall be developed, PBA will complete the following:
3.01 Landscape Plans: Landscape Plans will be completed illustrating general
locations of trees, shrubs. grasses, and groundcovers. General plant types will be
3.02 ITriaation Plans: Irrigation Plans will be completed illustrating mainline location,
quick couplers, and tap location to City main.
3.03 Hardscape Plans: Hardscape Plans will be completed illustrating hardscape
element locations. materials, colors, and sizes.
3.04 Opinion of Probable Construction Costs: A Preliminary Opinion of Probable
Construction Costs will be completed.
3.05 Consultant Coordination and Owner Meet/nos: PBA will coordinate with other
consultants through phone conference, email. or meetings in Kansas City (not to
exceed 2 meetings). PBA will be available for one (1) meeting with the City of
Salina. Kansas, Parks and Recreation, KDOrs landscape department and/or
Wilson & Company to discuss project design.
Dellverables Include:
4 sets of Field Check plans
TASK 4: Office Check Plans
After approval is received from the City and KDOT for the Field Check Plans, Office
Check Plans (85% Construction Plans) shall be developed with revisions per City and
KDOT comments. PBA will complete the following:
4.01 Landscape Plans: Landscape Plans will be revised illustrating locations of trees,
shrubs. grasses, and groundcovers. A plant schedule showing plant species and
quantities will be developed. Layout (sta./offset) of landscape materials (trees,
shrubs, etc.) will not be provided.
4.02 Landscape Gradino Plans: Landscape Grading Plans will be completed showing
grading for berming, etc.
City ofS8linelnteJCMnge Enhancements - Scope ofSetYlces
fel:xu8ry ~3, 2007
P8ge 4 of7
4.03 Landscape Details: Landscape Details will be completed showing planting
installation for trees, shrubs, grasses, ground covers, perennials, and planting bed
4.04 Seedina / Soddina Plans: Seeding / Sodding plans will be completed showing
different seeded and sodded areas. Erosion control matting required during
seed establishment will also be incorporated into seeding plans.
4.05 Irrfaation Plans: Irrigation Plans will be revised illustrating heads, piping, mainline
location, quick couplers, and tap location with backflow prevention and main
shutoff valve.
4.06 Irriaation Details: Irrigation Details will be completed showing sprinkler head, pipe
and quick coupler installation, and backflow prevention vault.
4.07 Hardscape Plans: Hardscape Plans will be revised illustrating hardscape
elements, materials, colors, sizes, and pavement jointing. Layout and
dimensioning of elements will be provided.
4.08 Hardscape Details: Hardscape Details will be provided for pavers, seating, site
detailing, etc.
4.09 Quantities Sheet: A Quantities Sheet will be completed showing quantities for
landscaping, seeding/sodding, irrigation, and site hardscape elements.
4.10 Specifications: Specifications will be provided in MasterSpec format for
landscaping, seeding/sodding, pavers, and irrigation system.
4.11 Opinion of Probable Construction Costs: The Opinion of Probable Construction
Costs will be revised.
4.12 Consultant Coordination and Owner Meetinas: PBA will coordinate with other
consultants through phone conference, email, or meetings in Kansas City (not to
exceed 2 mee1ings). PBA will be available for one (1) meeting with the City of
Salina, Kansas, Parks and Recreation, KDOT's landscape department and/or
Wilson & Company to discuss project design.
Dellverables Include:
4 sets of Office Check plans
TASKS: Final Check Plans
After approval is received from the City and KDOT for the Office Check Plans, Final
Check Plans (100% Construction Plans) shall be developed with revisions per City and
KDOT comments. PBA will complete the following:
5.01 Final Revisions: PBA will finalize the hardscape plans & details, landscape plans &
details, landscape grading plans, seeding & sodding plans, irrigation plans and
details, quantities sheet. and specifications per City and KDOT comments.
City ofS8fin8 fntetduJnge EnI'Il1ncemenlS - Scope of ~
FebnJuy 23, 2007
5.02 Opinion of Probable Construction Costs: A Final Opinion of Probable
Construction Cost will be provided,
Dellverables Include:
4 sets of signed and sealed Final Check plans
TASK 6: Final Revisions
6.01 Final revisions to the plans shali be compieted per City and KDOT comments.
4 sets of Revised Final Check plans
Additional Services beyond Patti Banks Associates' Basic Services may be provided if
confirmed in writing. Additional services would include, but not be limited to, changes to
the approved design, and other requested services beyond the Scope of Services
described above.
Patti Banks Associates agrees to provide professional services in accordance with generaliy
accepted standards of its profession.
City ofSaNnalntt:lr:h8nge EnI18ncements - Scope ofSetvices
FebnmyP3, POOl
Page 6 of 7
The City of Salina agrees to provide Patti Banks Associates with all information. surveys. and
reports. and other items related to the project. Patti Banks Associates with assume these
documents are accurate and complete to perform our services.
The City of Salina will obtain and pay for all necessary permifs from aufhorities with
jurisdiction over the Project.
The City of Salina agrees to provide the items described above and to render decisions in
a timely manner so as not to delay the orderly and sequential progress of Patti Banks
Associates' services.
The City of Salina agrees to pay Patti Banks Associates as follows:
Basic Services: Patti Banks Associates will provide the Services outlined in this Agreement
for a phased fixed-fee basis as outlined attachment A:
Additional Services: If requested, Additional services shall be billed on an houriy basis as
outlined in the table below:
Project Manager - LA
Planner II
$ 95/hour
$ 75/hour
$ 60/hour
Reimbursable Expenses: Reimbursable Expenses are not included in the above costs and
may inciude. but are not limited to: reproduction. postage and handling of documents;
long distance and facsimile charges; ovemight delivery services; authorized travel (current
IRS mileage rate); presentation boards mounting and lamination.
Patti Banks Associates shall bill the City of Salina for Basic and Additional services and
Reimbursable Expenses once a month. All payments are due to Patti Banks Associates
upon receipt of invoice. An amount equal to 10% per month will be charged on all
amounts due more than 30 days after the date of invoice.
We iook forward to working with you on this project.
City ofS8Iin8lnterch8nge Enl78ncements - Scope of 5ervfces
FebIu<Iy 23, 2007
Poge 7of7
Patti Banks
c,~. f.+-l
Craig A. Rhodes
Division Manager, Landscape Architecture
~(\; e... D. rv\CU (OS
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