Well Field Evaluation \ , 04-03-' 07 11: 22 FROM-LAYNE WESTERN 3162641274 T-547 P002/011 F-585 ,- Loyne-lfestern 620 Sooth 3811I StRet . Kanw City, Kanaas 66106 . "divlMDn DI Ltzwr. CArlmnMn CdnmDIIV Phone: (913) 321-5000 Fax: (913) 321-S012 tilq IZCD7 April 2, 2007 Ms. Martha Tasker Director of Utilities City of Saltna 300 W Ash P.O. Box 736 Salina, KS 67402-0736 RE: Proposal for Servlce8 City of Sallnll WeU Field EvaluatioD Slady Dear Ms. Tasker: This proposal presents the scope and fee for Layne Christensen Company (Layne) to evaluate the current condition of the City of Salina;s (City) water supply well field. The City operates a well field that consists of 1 5 wells screened within the Smoky Hill alluvial aquifer. Static water levels within the well field have declined by 10 to 15 feet since the welts were originally installed. Several of the exisling wells were installed in the 1940's when the statio water level was approximately 18 feet below ground. level. The original well design was based on geology and water levol conditions in the area at that time. Original pump design was also based off of well development and testing results. For many years the City has been able to operate the wells with no effect in operations due to statio water levels and pumping water levels well above the top of well screens. Today, the static water level has declined. Some wells report levels at or near the tOp of well screeos and pumping water levels well into the screen intervals. It is unknown if the decline in the potentlometrlo surface of the aquifer has ocoWTed on a regional scale or if it Is locali~ed at the scale of the well field. Based on the last two (2) to three (3) years of operational hlstory, the City is concerned with its ability to meet this year's summer peak flow conditions. Given these concerns, Layne proposes to conduct a well field evaluation (Study) to address the City's short tenn and long term goals for the projeot. as summarized below: . Shon term goais - Evaluate the cumnt operating condition of all wells located within the City's downtown well field. Specific tasks to be performed include: . o Provide recommendatlons to maximize the yield from the well field while also proteotinll the well pumps. o Develop a recommended pumping schedule designed to meet estimated summer demand. . Long term goals - Provide recommendations to Increase the yield of the City well field while also proteoting the well pumps. Speciflo tasl<s to be perfonned include:. o Evaluate the hiatorlcal water level in the well field observation wells to estimate aquifer decline due to droughtlwell field pumping. o Evaluate the City's existing Water Conservation Plan and provide recommendations for improvement of the Plan. o Evaiuate the need for well rchabllltatlon or well replacement. Cl1wn~ ClyorSalinlll...JltGPOsal_4.2.o1 04-03-' 07 11: 22 FROM-LAYNE WESTERN 3162641274 T-547 P003/011 F-585 Ms. Martha Tasker Page 2 April 2, 2007 SHORT TERM OBJECTIVES , The short term objectives of the Study will evaluate the current status ofall wells and provide recommendations to maximize the flow from each well, while also providing recommendations that will be designed to protect 1I1e pumps installed in the wells. To <<implele the short term project objectivll5, the following tasks are proposed: l. Compile and evaluate historical pumping data from each well. , 2. Compile and evaluate historical W&rer level data from each observation well. 3. Evaluatll historical static water level conditions in the aquifer, outside the well field, to estimate the regional water table decline in the Smoky Hill alluvial aquifer. ' 4. Conduct a well perfonnance field tests on each well to detennirte the current specific capacity of each well. A step rate test will'be oonductcd at each well consisting of four (4) steps lasting one (I) to two (2) hours per step at progressively Increasing discharge rates. The pumping water level in the well will be recorded by Layne field personnelll8ing a preSsure transducer or electronic water level meter, S. Estimatll well efficiency of each well based on the results of the fleld testing activities. 6. Rank tbe supply wells. based on field test resllllS, to provide recommendations for well rehabilitation or well replacement. 7. Use all data collected to recommend a pumping schedule designed to best meet peak flow conditions. ' 8. Provide instrUmentation recommendations designed to protect the pumps installed in the supply wells. ,It is anticipatCd that the use of Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs) and pumping level control systems will be reviewed. SHORT TeRM -DeUVE!RABLES Once all ohbe above activities have been completed, all data and analysis will be summarized in a report. The primary oQiective of tile report will be to develop a pumping schedule that can be used by the City to bm meet summer water demllllds, To develop the pumping schedule, Layne will review tho following data for each well: . Available drawdown in the well; . Depth to the top of screen; . Depth to the pump intake; and DWell perfonnance test results. The pumping schedule will be developed with the following understanding of the City's water system: D Average daily flow in the Slimmer months IBJIges from seven (7) to ten (10) million gallons per day (mgd); D Peak day flow in the summer is approximataly 12 mgd; aiul D A distribution of 60% river water to 40% groundwater is maintained most of the year. In most settings It Is undesirable to dtaw the pumping water level Into the screen Interval of the well as tllis can result In increased chemical and biological well fouling. However, static water levels within the well field have declined by 10to 15 feet (since their original installation date) in many of the City supply wells, and the static water level is at or near the top of the screen interval in several orthe City wells. C!Jw~ Page 100 04-03-' 07 11: 22 FROM-LAYNE WESTERN 3162641274 T-547 P004/011 F-585 Ms. Martha Tasker Page 3 April 2, 2007 Therefore, well yields and the well field pumping schedule will be estimated using two methods, as described below: . . I. Well yields will be estimated aasumlng the design pumping level in the well is equal to the top of the screen interval. This method is conservative and wlli produce lower estimated pumping rates than method 2. . 2. Well yields will be estimated assuming the design pumping level in the well is equal five (5) to ten (10) feet above the pump intake. This method is less conserVative and will produce higher estimated pumping rates than metholl \. Flow rates for each well and a proposed pumping schedule will be calculated for each method describell above. The City anll Layne can then review and lliscuss both proposell pumping schedules tQ determine which pumping schedule best fits the City's needs. LONG TERM OBJECTIVES Phase" of the Study wlll evaluate available options and provide recommendations on how tQ improve Ibe overall performance of the well field and perhaps Increase the wateravalIable to the City. The City's downtQwn weil field is fully appropriated based on Ibe Kansas Division of Wider Resources "safe yield" provision. This means tbld no new points of diversion can be authorized near the weil flelll. As part of the short term project activities, Layne wlll rank each supply well based 011 the results of the well performance tests. This ranking system will be used to provide a reCommenllatlon for future well field maintenance activities, which could include: .. PerlOrming well rehabilitation work to improve the efficiency of the wells; or . Installing a replacement well near an existing well. A second objective oflbe long term project activities is to review and evaluate the City's existing Wider Coliservation Plan and provide recommendations lOr improvement. Based on Layne's CUJTeIlt understanding, the City bas not been able to use the Water Conscrvatlon Plan to issue water alerts and desires a plan that could trigger water alerts under appropriate conditions. As part of this proposal, Layue will provide recommendations for improvement of the Water Conservation Plan and will provide idess on what could be appropriate action triggers for the Plan. Costs to llevelop a reVised plan are not Incorporated In this proposal. . A thlrcl objective of the long term project activities is to provide a conceptual evaluldlon of the potential for artificial recharge at Or near the City well flelll. For Ibis analysis, a ",view of stream flow records for the Smoky Hill River will be conduc.ted to estimate the volume of water that could be pumped from the River under the existing surface waterrigbt and returned to the aquifer. MditionaIly, an estimate of the groundwater vcloolty at the well field and the potential for water recirculation from the river to the aquifer will be evaluated on a conceptual basis. . 1.0NG Tf:RM. DEUIII:RABLES A letter report summarizing the findings of the Phase II activities will be submitted tQ the City upon completion of all Phase II activities. It is anticipated that, at a minimum, the letter report will provide a discussion on: . Available options to improve well field operations; . Conceptual evaluation of feasibility of artificial recharge near the well field; anll . . Recommendations for improvements to the Water Conservation Plan. <l1wn~ PagcJof7 04-03-'07 11:22 FROM-LAYNE WESTERN 3162641274 T-547 P005/011 F-585 Ms. Martha Tasker . Page 4 April 2, 2007 PROPQlSAL A~NS; Oenemlassumptions used to develop the proposal include: o One (I) on-site meeting is included in the costs: The purpose of the meeting will be to l'Ilvicw the recommended pumping schedule developed by Layne. o Proposal costs good for 30 days. COSTS: . Estimated costs for tho proposed services are provided in the tables bolow. For proposal organizational pllfpOscs, the estimated costs associated with the tssks identified as "$hort Term. Olllectlves" are presented in the Phase r Table and the costs associated with the tasks identified as "Long Tenn Objectives" are presented in the Phase II Table. PEASE 1- Sbort Term Objectives - Cost BreakdowD Task Estlmated Level of Effort Estimated Cost MobilizationIDemobilization $1,078 $1,078 (lump sum) Per Diem $IOO/day x 2 men it 10 days $2000 Pump test alii 5 wells $ I 75lhr @ 5 hra x 15 .wells $13,125 12 hrs@$IOOlhr . $1,200 Compile,review, and evaluate historical water level data Review 15 well perfonnance rest 15 bra@$IOOlhr $1,500 . Estimate well effioiency (IS 15 hra@$IOOlhr $1.500 wells) Rank wells 4hn@$100Ihr $400 Develop a pumping schedule .24 hra@$IOO/hr $2,400 Summsry report 28 bra@$IOOlhr $2,800 PHASElTOTAL .. $26,003.00 <1Iw1i?) Peso 4 on 04-03-' 07 11: 22 FROM-LAYNE WESTERN 3162641274 T-547 P006/011 F-585 Ms. Martha Tasker Pagei April 2, 2007 Phase Ii . Long Term Objeetlves - Cost Breakdown Task Estimated Level ciCEffort Estimllted Coat Evaluate well field options 8 hra @ $100/hr $800 Review Waler Conservation Plan 6 hrs@$100Ihr $600 . Evaluate trigger options for 12 hrs@ $1001hr $1.200 Water Conservation Plan Conceptual Evaluation of 16 hra@ $1001hr $1.600 Artificial Recharge . Provide Water Conservation 8 hrs @$1001hr $800 Plan recommendations Phase II SummaI)' Report 8 hrs@$IOOlhr $800 PHASE D TOTAL $5.800.00 Eatimlllted Project Total $31.803.00 The estimated IOtal amount of compensation for the services described herein shall not exceed $31.803.00 without prior approval from the Owner. . SCHEDULE An estimated project schedule is presented below: . The well evaluation and testing will take approximately two (2) weeks. . A DRAFT summai)' report for the Phase I activities will be prepared approximately two (2) weeks after the Phase I field testing has been oompleted. . . A DRAFT summary report for the Phase II activities will be prepared approximately three (3) 10 five (5) weeks after oompletion of the Phase I testing activitlos; . A FINAL summaI)' report will be completed approximately two (2) weeks after City review and comment on DRAFT summary reports. The Consultant agrees to bellin services ils described herein, promptly following receipt of written Notice to Proceed; a fully exeouted Agreement constitutes the Notice to Proceed. C~n~ Pogo S or7 04-03-'0711:23 FROM-LAYNE WESfERN 3i62641274 T-547 P007/011 F-585 lIIIa. Martha Tas!(er Page 8 April 2, 2007 . Layne appreciates the opportunity to work with you on this Important project. If you have any questions or comments on this proposed scope of services, please call Jim Seley at (316) 264-5365 or Lues DeAngelis at (913) 321-5000 ext. 611. Should the City wish txJ authorize the work proposed, a signature page has been included with this proposal. Layne Christensen approves the city's rems and conditions and are attached as part of this proposal. This proposal will be honored for 30 days. James W. Seley Sales Engineer Sincerely, Lues DeAngelis, P.E., R.O. Project Englneer/Hydrogeologist <1,..A<1 ~ Layne Western a division 01 Layne Chrlrtensen Company Enc. Cf4yn~ Paso 6 on 04-03-' 07 11: 23 FROM-LAYNE \llESTERN lIIIa. Martha Tasker 3162641274 Page 7 T-547 P008/011 F-585 April 2, 2007 ~IGNATURE This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement between OWNER and ENGINEER and supcnedes all prior written or oral understandings. . This Agreement may only be amended, supplemented, modified, or canceled by a duly exccuted written Iflstrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have made and executed this Agreement as of the day and year ftrst above written. . OWNER: City of Salina, Kansas Recommended by: #/ u~.d:.. C. ./<<>- t. Martha Tasker Director of Utilities DbyQ ~ Donnie D. Marrs . Mayor Bh D.p,city Clerk . 'I Cliw~ ENGINEER Layne Christensen Company '. . rFV\ ~~ Kent M. Warlick General Manager Poge 7 on 04-03-' 07 11: 23 FROM-LAYNE WESTERN 3162641274 T-547P009/011 F-585 .."'- :f!. lm~R~ The following requirements shall not be construed to tlmlt the liability of the Contractor or it's insurer(s). The City does not represent that the spec/fled coverages or limits of insuranae are sufficient to protect the Contractor's Interests or I/abHltlfls. RequIred coverages are 10 be maintained without interruption from the date of the commenaement of the wofk until date offlnal payment and termination of any coverage raqulred to be maintained af!erflneJ payment. Questions regarding thesa requirements shoutd be diracted 10 Nancy Schuessler, Risk Management SpflcleJl8t at (7M) 309-5705. . Profe8&lonal Liability. Errors and Omissions The Contractor shall provide Architects or Engineers Professional liability Insurance with limits not less than $500,000, covering the liability of the Contractor IInd IInyand all consultants, agents, independent contractors, etc. which are employed or remlned by tha Contractor. The Insurer must be acceptable to the City of Salina. In the event coverage provided Is e claims made coverage, the insurance shall be maintained for a period of not less than thrae (3) years after completion of the contract or in lieu thereof purchase of tall coverage (extended reporting period) under which the City of Salina shall be afforded protection. Upon review of each project, the Risk Management Department may require higher or lower coverege limits. In lieu of the above coverage, the Contractor may provide the described coverage tor his own firm In the above amount and submit proof all his consultants, agents and Independent contractors have insurance deemed adequate by the City of Salina. Commercial General Liability Insurance The Contractor shall provide public liability insurance coverage In an amount no less than $500,000 covering the liability of the Contractor and any and all consultants, agents, independent contractors, etc. which are employed or retained by the Contractor, on an occurrence basis. The Insurer must be acceptable to the City of Salina. Upon review of each project, the Risk Management Deparbnent may require higher or lower coverage limits. In lieu of the above coverage, the Contractor may provide coverage lor his own firm in the above amount or an addillonal amount and submit proof all his consultants, agents and independent contractors have Insurance deemed adequate by the City of Salina. AutomobDe L1abDitY The Contractor shall provide coverege protecting the contractor against claims for bodily InJuIY andlor property damage arising out of the ownership or use of any owned, hired and/or non- . owned vehicle. Required minimum limits; $500,000 eech aCCident, combined single limits, bodily Injury and property damage. WomersComaemntion Before beginning work, \he Contraclor shall fumish to the Clly satlsfactoIY proof that he has taken out, for the period covered by the work under Ihis contract, full workers' compensation coverage as required by stele law for all persons who he may employ directly, or through subcontractors, In carrying out the work contemplated under this contract, \Ind shall hold the City free and harmleSS for all personal injuries of all persons who the contractor may em ploy directly or through subcontractors. Certlficate!.l at Insllrance Certlflcate(s) of Insurance acceptable 10 the City shall be filed with the cny at the time the contract between the City and the Contractor is executed. These certificates shall conmln a provision that coverage afforded under the policies will not be cancelled or substantially changed until at least thirty (30) days prior written notice has been given to the City and acknowledged. Note: if the Contractor is subject to worker's compensation law a certificate shall be provided. 04-03-'07 11:23 FROM-LAYNE WESTERN 3162641274 T-547 P010/011 F-S85 Olllof !t:i s.aIna AtldltiQDal C'mtalJJ~ Notice of Claim The Contraclor, upon receipt of notice of any claim in excess of $1,000 In connection with this contract shall promptly notify the Risk Management i:lepartment, (186) 309-5705, providing full details thereof, Including an estimate oflhe amount of loss or liability. Indemnification Clause The Contractor agrees to Indemnify and save harmless the CIty, its officials, agents, servants, officers, directors and employees from and against all claims, expenses, demands, judgements and causes of action for pelBonallnjury or death or damage to property where, and to the extent that, such claims, expenses, demands judgement or causes or action artse from the Contractors negligent acts. --k c.. c.. e('". ~-D H~ ~.q.o .... ~ 0'-' l.\- ,.' '-' ~ . ACORD.. CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 0510112007 D~;~:;:~ THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE ~P}fJ'R. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT ~E,t',~\.~~TEND OR PRODUCER LOCKTON COMPANIES, LLC.l KANSAS CITY 444 W. 471h Street, Sulle 900 Kansas CUy Mo 64112.1906 (816) 960-9000 INSURED INSURER A: 7T. 426 LAYNE-WESTERN,adlvlslono' "'m... Layne Christensen Company ,""u"". 1011 WEST HARRY STREET. '.0"'" c, WICHITA, KS 87213 '.O"AA. n. I '.'"A''' . !l89DiNll COVERAGES LAYINOI FK . ISCERTlFCN~QFINSURA 0 T T A TRACT lWE NlliE~ THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. N01WlTHSiANDING ANY REOUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDmoN OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WIlli RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTA!N, _THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY lliE P01l21ES DESCBIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL TlHE TERMS, EXCLUStoNS AND CONDmONS OF SUCH POLlCIES.Ar:;~REGATELtMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN HEDUCEDliY PAIOCLAlMS. ~ '~M TYpeOFINSURANC~ POLlCVNUMBER PJ1M CTN& ~ UMr ~NERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE . A X COMMERC~L GENERAL LIABIUTY OLO 9137"8-00 OSlO 112006 OSlO 112007 Fl" DAMAG",,^, on. ..., . I ClAIM' _E [!] OCCUR MED EXP IAn . X CONTRACTUAL P2RAnNAl &AOV INJURY . GEN~RALAGGREGATE . PRonu"" . "nMl'IOA ACO . ~~::en~;APn~:: ~OMOBlllillABlLlTY AXANYAlIrO _ ALL OWNED AUTOS _ SCHEQUlED AVTOS X HIRED AUTOS 1L NON..oWNeO AUTOS ~~E LIABILITY I ANY AUTO EXCI!88 UABlJTV ::rOCCUR . 0 CLAIMS MAOE ioaDUCTIBlE O":"^ I RETE,mON f A WORKERSCOMPI!NSATlONAND A eMPLOYERS' LIABILITY OlllER INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE c o 'MnnM SOO.OOO 10000 I 000000 2 000000 2 000 000 8AP 9137SS9-OO COMBINED SINGLE l!MIT (E.lKCfdent) 2,000,000 OS/0112006 OSlO 1/2007 80DILV INJURY (Pvpllnon) . XXXXXXX BOOILYINJURY (Per acddonl) . XXXXXXX PROPERTY DAMAGE (P8tacc;ldenl) NOT APPLICABLE . XXXXXXX . XXXXXXX .. XXXXXXX .. XXXXXXX . XXXXXXX . XXXXXXX . XXXXXXX . XXXXXXX ~. XXXXXXX ~ e.l. EACHACCTDI':NT ~ E.L. Dill.... - EO EMPlOm . E.L. DISEASE. P01.ICY L.IMIT '. NOT APPLICABLB AUTO ONLY -EAACCDENT EO"" AGO IlACH OCCURReNCe AGGREGATt: 2iWS'!,~~~ WC 9137S60-00 WC 9137S61-00 (WISCONSIN) OS/0112006 OSI0112006 OS/01/2007 05l01!2007 I 000 000 1.000 000 1 000 000 OESCRIPTlON OF OPERAnONSlLOCATlONSNEHICLE8IE!XCLUSlONS ADOI.D BY ENDOMEMEHTISPfCIAL PROVISIONS u~, ~~R I I, 281U842 THE CITY OF SALINA, KS 300 W ASH, ROOM 202 PO BOX 736 SAUNA, KS 67402-0738 , ACORD 2SOS (7/97) 1.TN1lllDt:rtoINSU ..,^o, 8HOUlD AMY 0' THE ABOVE DESCRlDED POLICIES sa CANCElLED DEFORe THE EXPlMnoN DAlE! THEREOF, THI! 18SUING INSUReR WILL ENDeAVOR TO MAIL --3D- DAV8 WRITTEN N01'ICE TO THE CERmCATI! HOLDER NAMED TO THE lEFT,BUT PAlLUIU! TO DO SO SHALL IUPOIS NO CBUOAnON OR UABn.nY OF ANt laND UPON lHe INSURIR. ITS AGens OR RlPRE8EJrtrATIYES. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE ~ _A~ "A~::O CORPORAnON 1988 '-C1fquntlDlIt ....rllllngW.cto'lltlcalO; CMUlIlh.numllff IIIUd 1n~"l'Ollqc.t' Nftlon eonalM! tptellYtha dIMrl:e94' 'U.~. PRODUCER LOCKTON COMPANIES, LLC-l KANSAS CITY 444 W. 47th Slreet, Suite 900 Kansas Cily M064112-1906 (616) 960-9000 ACORD" CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 06/01/2007 o~;~;;~;;i THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR P L INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE INSURED 2052 LAYNE-WESTERN, adivision of Layne Christensen Company 1011 WEST HARRY STREET WiCHITA, KS 67213 INSURER A: IN ERB: COVERAGES 01 vr: ng -"on,"" ....eo .a.~D D.. THE POLlCleS'OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INOlCATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY ReQUIREMENT. TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT 1:0 WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE. MAY BE 'S~UED OR . MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO All THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLlCIES. AGGREGATE liMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. . .' ..... .'- ':" l'~~:- -- m POLICY NUMBE'R,' . "'b~'1'5YJ~rDWJ1.Xe- -PrH.4S~M~r~'rJJ~N, -- .". --..", OMITs _.- TYPE OF INSURANCE ~Ne~L L,IABILlTY EACH OCCURRENCE . XXXXXXX COMMERCIAL. GENERAL LIABILITY NOT APPLICABLE FIRE DAMAGE fAn" ona f1n)\ , XXXXXXX I CLAIMS MADE 0 OCCUR MEDEXPIAnuOne~\ , XXXXXXX I-- PERSONAL & ADV INJURY , XXXXXXX GENERAL AGGREGATE . XXXXXXX I-- rl'L AGGREFi ~IMI~ APn ;ER: PRODUCTS. COMP/OP AGG . XXXXXXX POLICY JC8r LOC ~OMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT , XXXXXXX I-- AN.Y AUTO NOT APPLICABLE (Eaaccldentl I-- ALL OWNED AUTOS BOOlL Y INJURY . XXXXXXX SCHEDULED AUTOS (Per person) ~ ~ HIRED AUTOS BOOIL Y INJURY . XXXXXXX NON-OWNED AUTOS (Pereccident) - i- PROPERTY DAMAGE . XXXXXXX (Per aCCident) RRAGE LIABILITY AUTO ONLY. EA ACCIDENT . XXXXXXX .ANY AUTO NOT APPLICABLE OTHER THAN. EAACC . XXXXXXX AUTO ONLY: AGG . XXXXXXX EXCESS LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE , XXXXXXX =:] OCCU.\ . q CLAIMS MADE NOT APPLICABLE AGGREGATE . XXXXXXX . XXXXXXX 9~ . .' DU.BRaLA , .. . -.-'-XX-XXXXX- - --- 'OEDUCTISti;:- - -FORM-- -----. - ._,. ---.- - - .----- ._~._.._~.- RETENTION $ . XXXXXXX WORKERS COMPENSATION AND NOT APPLICABLE WC STATU- I~JH- EMPLOYERS'LIABIUTY E.L. EACH ACCIDENT . . XXXXXXX E.L. DISEASE. E;A EMPLOYEE , XXXXXXX E.L. OlSEASE - POlley LlMIT . XXXXXXX A OTHER PEe 79686510.8 0.6/0.1120.0.6 0.6/0.1120.0.7 SI,ooO,ooo EACH acc.; SI,OOO,ooO PROFESSIONAL LlABlLITY AGGREGATE. DESCRIPTION OFOPERAT10NSlLOCATIONSNEHICLESlEXCLUSIONS ADDEO BY ENOORSEMENTISPECIAL PROVISIONS I I AOOITlONAlIN-URED' INSURER I ETTER' CA""C" ATI"" . 2810849 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION THE CrfYOF S~L1NA, KS DATE T~EREOF, THE ISSUING INSURER WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAlL...JL DAYS WRITIEN 300 W ASH, ROOM 202 NOTICE TO.THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO. THE LEFT, BUT. FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL PO BOX 736 SALINA, Ks 67402-0736 IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR L1ASILITY OF ANY KiND UPON THE INSURER, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE .& _..~ - . II. . ACORD 25-5 (7197) For quntlonl ra(I.vdlng tllll c-.1Ift~, contad IIHI numbet lilted In tIM 'Producer' ACtIon 'bon tncIlpKl1y 11M client code 'lAY1N~t., .. Ae"oFirl CORPORA liON 1988 LA YIN FK THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING