2007-2009 Term Life Agreement
Your group Insurance benefits
Proposal for CITY OF SALINA
Effective Date January 1,2007
Underwritten by
Principal Life Insurance Company
Des Moines, IA 50392-0002
Presented by
Prepared by
Group Non-Medical Sales and
Thank you for considering group insurance from ~rincipal Life Insurance Company for your employee benefit program.
This proposal includes rates and benefit information for:
. Group Life Insurance
Coverage Monthly Employee ' VolumelLives . Monthly Costs Annual Costs
Group Term Life $0.19 per $1,000 $17,750,400/516 $3,372.58 $40,470.96
Dependent Life $3.06 per Family 405 $ I ,239.30 $14,871.60
Insurance - Class 1
Dependent Life $1.84 per Family 6 $11.04 $] 32.48
Insurance - Class 2
Grand Total $4,622.92 $55,475.04
A multiple product discount may apply to certain group non-medical insurance products when the group has three or more
qualifying coverages from Principal Life. Terminating one or more products could impact discounts being applied at the
time of termination. Your sale; representative can provide more information about the discount and which coverages are
eligible. The multiple product discount may change or terminate at any time without prior notice, subject to rate guarantee
and state requirements.
Rate Guarantee for Group Term Life. 3 years unless volume increases/decreases by more than 25%
Ratillg Assumptiolls. These rates are based on the following: ;' ,
. Kansas as ihe contract state. If you have employees located in othe~ states, we may weight the state taxes depending
on the number of those employees and apply benefits based on those states' provisions.
. An effective date of January 1,2007. Suggest-ed premiums and benefits are only valid 90 days following November
30,2006 and are provided only for illustration purposes. Acceptance of your group, the final premium rates and
actual benefits cannot be offered to you until all necessary infonnation about your group has been received and.
reviewed by home office underwriters of Principal Life and approved by an officer of Principal Life. Rates will be
recalculated based on actual enrollment under the policy. Changes in assumptions, group demographics, policy
design and policy effective date may also affect yo~r rates.. Final rates will apply for the period oftime specified in
the contract. Rates may increase on renewal in accordance with the terms of the policy.
. Th~re ?re limitations, restrictions and exclusions in this p~licy. There iu-e also certain restrictions involving payment
of premium, tennination, fraud, eligibility and participation. Final rates are dependent on entering into an insuran~e
contract where all limitations, exclusions, and restricti.o.ns are taken into consideration.
. As a result of this sale, your broke~ may receive comm!ssion~, administrative service fees, other compensation
including non-cash compensation, and bonuses based on factors such as total premium volume and persistency or
. profitability of the business. The cost of this compensation may be directly or indirectly reflected in the premium or
fee for this product. This compensation is in addition to any compensation your broker may receive from you.
Contact your broker for ftll:ther details.
Employee Benefits from Principal Life Insurance Company
GP50057-17 09/2006' 09120611078-11
SIC Code: 9121
November 30, 2006
Page 1
Coverage During Disability, If an employee becomes totally disabled before age 60, coverage will continue and premium
will be waived. The employee must be totally disabled for 9 months or unable to perform at least two activities of daily
living for J month before the waiver begins. Coverage continues without premium payment until the employee recovers
or turns age 70, whichever occurs first. No benefits will be paid for any disability that results from: willful self-injury or
self-destruction, while sane or insane I war or act of war I voluntary participation in an assault, felony, criminal activity,
insurrection, or riot.
Eligibility, Coverage is available to all active, full-time employees (except part-time, seasonal, temporary or contract
employees) who work at least 30 hours per week. Retiree coverage is available for the Group Term Life coverage only.
Employees must be enrolled for Group Term Life.Insurance coverage before it can be offered to their dependents.
Dependent coverage is available for an employee;s spouse and unmarried dependent children. Additional eligibility
requirements may apply. .
Contributions/Participation for Group Term Life and Dependent Life Insurance
. 100% participation for all non-contributory coverages
. .. 75% participation for all contributory coverages
Individual Purchase Rights, Employees who terminate employment may be able to convert to individual policies. Upon
coverage termination employers have 31 days after coverage ends to inform their employees of their right to convert to an
individual policy without proof of good health. The purchase amount varies depending on the termination situation.'
" .
Employee Benefits from Principal Life Insurance Company
GPS083S-7 02/2006 09120611078-11
Group Term Life Page 3
(-. Your company of choice for employee benefits
You can count on the Principal Financial Group'" (The Principal"') for employee benefit solutions. Principal Life
Insurance Company, a member of The Principal, offers insurance products with choice and flexibility that allow you to
design a benefit program that meets your needs and budget. Tbe result: benefits that help you attract and retain quality
A member of the FORTUNE 500, The Principal is a leader in the life and health insurance industry. Plus, Principal Life
consistently receives high financial strength ratings from independent rating agencies. With over 65 years in the employee
benefits marketplace, we offer you the expertise of our local benefit professionals, a broad portfolio of competitive group
prod~cts and outstanding service.
eService You can manage benefits 24/7 at OUf secure site on w;ww.principal.com. ~qu can add or 4e1ete
Capabilities members, make member changes, order ID cards, search and print booklets, view billing statements,
pay premiums and access forms. At the Personal Login, employees can access benefit information,
review coverage, check claim status, review Exnlanations of Benefits, access booklets and more.
Claim Services You and your employees receive fast, accurate service from a team of registered nurses, certified
vocational rehabilitation experts and Social Security specialist who pride themselves in offering
individualized assistance to each of our cutomers. .
Flexible Spending We offer low-cost FSAs, which allow employees to set aside pre-tax dollars to cover certain health
Accounts care and/or dependent care exnenses. Tax savings 00 employee' contributions ma)~ offset nIan costs.
Princi~al Health This online service provides educational content, a medical library, health and welIness -information,
Newss . and more to helD employees understand health issues and make informed decisions.
Beneficiary Beneficiaries have access to two complimentary and con~dential services: a Financial Services
Services Hotline and Grief Support Services. The Financial Ser~ices Hotline is staffed with caring
professionals who help direct beneficiaries to products and services that will help them plan for their
future financial needs. Grief Support Services, provided by Magellan Health Services, connect
beneficiaries with professionals who can provide comfort, offer guidance and suggest coping
Weight Watchers Weight Watchers, America's trusted name in weight loss, has been assisting people with weight loss
for over 40 years. Insurance customers can lose weight with help from Weight Watchers programs,
including local meetings or an online oro~ram at a reduced rate.
Smoking Employees can quit tobacco and lower their risk of heart attack, lung cancer and emphysema with
Cessation access to American Center Society's telephone-based t9bacco cessation counseling progr'am,
Quitline. Studies have shown this service nearly doubles a smoker's chances of quitting .
Epie Xylitol Employees have access to discounts on Epic Xylitol dental products - including toothpaste, oral
Dental Svstem rinse, mints and gums. Xvlitol is a natural sweetener that is very effective in preventing tooth decay.
Count on Principal Life for your employee benefit needs. We offer the solutions you're looking for.
Employee Benefits from Principal Life Insurance Company
GP54108-3 11/2006 09120611078-11
Page 5
r . \,
Mailing Address: I Principal Life I Employer Application for
Des Moines, IA 50392-0002 Insurance Company Group Insurance - KS
This form is for: ~ new case
effective date: January 1, 2007
o amendment Account number
Advanced premium received $
Employer Information
legal name of company (include dba)
City of Salina
o corporation 0 partnership 0 sole proprietorship ~ other Municipality
Physical address (street) City State
300 W. Ash Street ISalina IKS
Mailing address (P.O. box) City State
P.O. Box 736 ISalina IKS
Contact Telephone number FAX number E-mail address
Krystal Norris 1785-309-5710 )785-309-5711 1 krystal.norris@salina.org
Nature of business SIC code Federal tax 10 number Number of years in business
City government 19121 148-6017228 120+
Have you been insured by Principal life Insurance Company previously? ~ no 0 yes
If yes, when and under what name?
Has the company been denied credit within the past two years, ever filed for bankruptcy, or is the firm now in the process of
(or considering) filing for bankruptcy? ~ no 0 yes (attach an explanation)
Complete the following if this coverage replaces other group insurance. Provide a copy of the most recent billing.
Note: Include prior carrier information for past three years.
Name of Carrier Coverage(s)
Hartford Life Insurance
ZIP code
ZI P code
Effective Date
Termination Date
Employers with Participating Units
If employees of any associated business organizations (e.g. parent-subsidiary, brother-sister relationships, affiliated groups,
etc.) are to be covered, please list the affiliate or subsidiary beiow.
Participating unit is an entity that is an affiliate or subsidiary related to the employer through common control or ownership.
Unit name/address/federai tax 10 Nature of business Relationship to company Number of employees
,.Salina Airport Authority ~ include unit
1. '3237.Arnoid Ave. Salina KS Municipal airport 0 exclude unit 12
EIN 48-0727448 o include unit
2. M exclude unit
Request for Benefits
Medical plan number(s)
Illustrated in proposal number
o dental
I:8J basic tern;Uife
PCS plan number
Version number
o vision 0 short term disability 0 long term disability
Options: 0 basic term accidental death and dismemberment I:8J dependent term life
o supplemental term life 0 supplemental term accidental death and dismemberment
o voluntary term life Options: 0 accidental death and dismemberment 0 accelerated death benefits
o medical: Do you want insurance for 0 employees 0 employees and dependents
PPO number(s)lname(s)
If multiple PPOs are elected, please include a list showing which employees are utilizing each PPO.
o network choice. Attach list of which network each employee elects.
o benefit choice. Attach list of which benefit each employee elects.
. . .,
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GP 45703-4
Waiting Period/Effective Date Provisions
(Not all options are available for small employers selecting medical insurance.
Initials (employees Waiting Period
working the required D 1 month D 3 months
number of hours on or
before the effective date of
new case/new coverage
with Principal life):
Contact us for more information.)
D 6 months
[8] Other NONE
Note: If you wish all employees to have the same waiting period, the waiting period for initials
should be marked the same as futures (employees who have already met the waiting period
above do not have to meet it again if continuously working).
Waiting Period
[8] 1 month
D 3 months
D 6 months
D Other
Futures (employees hired
the day after the effective
date of coverage or later):
Employees will be
eligible on the:
[8] day immediately following the final day of the waiting period
D first day of the insurance month (insurance month coincides with premium due date)
Employer Contribution
Dental %
Vision %
Short term disability (STDr %
Long term disability (L TOr %
Basic term life and accidental death and dismemberment %
Dependent term life
Supplemental term life and acc'ldental death and dismemberment %
Voluntary term life %
Medical %
"If employees contribute to the cost of STD and/or L TO insurance, are these contributions made on a
D pre-tax or D post-tax basis?
Employee Eligibility NOTE: Airport Authority premiums are paid by Airport Authority, not by City of Salina!
Eligible Employees
[8] An employee must work at least 30 hours per week to be eligible for insurance.
D Other (if agreed to by the home office of Principal Life)
Ineligible Employees
. An independent contractor (unless required by law)
. An employee who works less than the required number of hours per week, or is employed as a temporary or
seasonal employee, is not eligible for insurance.
Total number of employees (full and pari-time):
616 as of 11/30/06
Describe any class of employees or location(s) excluded from coverage.
temporary /seasonal, intermittent
Do you have employees or their dependents residing: (check all that apply)
D outside the United States?
D Hawaii (not eligible for medical insurance)
D New York? How many?
Complete the following sections for coverages being requested.
If you are a group with 51 or more employees requesting group term life insurance, do you want insurance for retirees?
~ no 0 yes If yes, 0 your current retirees 0 your future retirees
NOTE: We do wish to include coverage for a small group of "grandfathered" retirees, but no new employees may opt to participate upon retirement.
If you are requesting short term disability coverage, are there employees working in any of the states listed below (policies
offered in these states are Supplemental)? 0 no 0 yes
If yes, indicate the number of employees for each state in the box.
California Hawaii New Jersey
Total number of eligible employees (full and part-time):
I 496 as of 11/30/06
New York
Rhode Island
GP 45703-4
Page 2 of4
Life/Disability 210
If requesting life or disability insurance, list all employees not actively at work and dependents (if dependent life insurance
is requested) in a period of limited activity.
David Owen & Dependent Son Joshua (military leave); Glen Godsey, no dependents (military leave)
If dental insurance is requested, do you want to insure retirees? 0 no 0 yes
If yes, 0 your current retirees 0 your future retirees
If you are replacing dental insurance, did your prior dental coverage include benefits for orthodontia treatment? 0 no 0 yes
Do you offer medical coverage to your employees through another carrier? 0 no 0 yes, number covered?
TEFRA eligibility is defined as employers who employed 20 or more full and/or part-time employees for 20 or more
calendar weeks in the current or preceding year. If this requirement is met, the group is TEFRA eligible and Principal Life
will pay primary to Medicare.
Do you meet the eligibility definition? 0 no 0 yes
If you are a group with 51 or more emplo~es requesting medical insurance, do you want insurance for retirees?
o no 0 yes If yes, U your current retirees 0 your future retirees
COBRA eligibility is defined as employers who employed 20 or more full and/or part-time employees on at least 50% of
the working days in the prior calendar year. Do you meet the eligibility definition? 0 no 0 yes
If COBRA applies, please select desired billing option: 0 group bill policyholder 0 individual bill continuee
If you currently have anyone on COBRA, please submit enrollment form with qualifying event date noted.
All Coverages
ERISA plan number 501
The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) requires that each employee benefit plan subject to the Act
designate a "Named Fiduciary who shall have authority to control and manage the operation and administration of the plan."
If this plan is subject to ERISA and the Named Fiduciary is other than the employer, fill in the information below.
Principal Life may not be designated as Named Fiduciary.
The "Named Fiduciary" shall be: n/a
Designation as Named Fiduciary is accepted. (Required only if the ''Named Fiduciary" is an individual.)
It is understood that Principal Life shall not be responsible for any tax or legal aspects of the plan. The employer
assumes responsibility for these matters. The employer acknowledges that they have counseled to the extent necessary
with selected legal and tax advisors. The obligations of Principal Life shall be governed solely by the provisions of its
contracts and policies. Principal Life shall not be required to look into any action taken by the named fiduciary or the
employer and shall be fully protected in taking, permitting, or omitting any action on the basis of the employer's actions.
Principal Life shall incur no liability or responsibility for carrying out actions as directed by the named fiduciary or the
It is further understood that by signing this application, the employer is purchasing insurance and not making an
investment. No reserves, undeclared or unpaid experience premium refunds, or interest with respect to claim payments,
nor claim proceeds themselves shall be considered plan assets under ERISA.
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Agreement and Signatures 210
. The employer has been informed of the eligibility requirements. The employer agrees that insurance applied for shall
not become effective or remain effective unless the employer: a) is actively engaged in business for profit within the
meaning of the Internal Revenue Code, or is established as a legitimate nonprofit corporation within the meaning of
the Internal Revenue Code; and b) meets the participation and contribution requirements.
. The employer agrees that insurance applied for shall not become effective unless the application and any attached
page(s) are received, accepted and approved by Principal Life.
. If this application is accepted, all group policies will be combined and treated as one policy for the purpose of
determining any experience premium refund.
. The preexisting condition restrictions for medical and/or long term disability insurance have been explained to and
understood by the employer.
. The employer understands receipt and deposit of advanced payment is not a guarantee of coverage. If a policy is
issued from this application and is accepted by the proposed policyholder, we will apply the premium deposit to the
first premium due for such policy. If no policy is put into force, the premium deposit will be refunded.
. Premium payment will be monthly unless otherwise indicated.
. Acceptance by the employer of any policy or policies issued with this application shall constitute approval of any
corrections, additions, or changes specified in the space "For Principal Life Use Only" or as otherwise indicated on
this application.
. Your agent or broker cannot change or waive any provision of this application or the policy or policies without the
written approval of an officer of Principal Life in the home office.
. The employer acknowledges and understands that if this application is approved, the group policy will determine all
rights and benefits.
. The person signing this form for the employer has legal authority to bind the employer for whom application is being made.
. The employer agrees to make timely notification of any employee termination, status change, or other material
changes that may affect the eligibility of employees or their dependents. Timely notification is no more than 31 days
past the actual date of such change.
. The employer understands that failure to pay premium when due will be considered a default in premium payment
and coverage will terminate at the end of the grace period. If coverage is terminated for nonpayment of premium,
premium through the grace period is due and will be collected. The employer understands that coverage may also be
terminated for other reasons as provided in the group policy.
NOTE: If Principal Life determines, due to requirements of law or because of our own underwriting criteria, to issue our
group insurance through a multiple-employer group insurance trust, the employer hereby subscribes to and agrees to the
terms of that trust.
Any person who, with intent to defraud or knowing that he or she is facilitating a fraud against an insurer, submits an
application or files a claim containing a false or deceptive statement, may be guilty of insurance fraud. Fraud or
misrepresentation may be grounds for nonrenewal or termination under the terms of the group policy.
Employer (company name)
City of Salina
Signed by st be an office
Officer's title
City Manager
Agent's license number
Date signed
/2-/t (0&
Signature of soliciting agent(s) (If more than one, all must sign.)
Date signed
Date signed
For Principal Life Use Only
GP 45703-4
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Mailing Address: I Principal Life I POlicyholder Census
Des Moines, IA 50392-0002 Insurance Company Enrollment Agreement
Account number
The following is a summary of the Policyholder responsibilities for insurance coverage. As the Policyholder for this group
insurance, your responsibilities include (but are not limited to) the items listed below. Please refer to the Group
Policy/Policies for additional Policyholder responsibilities such as participation and contribution requirements.
As the Policyholder for the above group insurance, I agree to:
. Obtain and maintain a completed group enrollment form from each eligible employee applying for or waiving a
coverage or for a benefit increase.
. Provide a Preexisting Condition and Special Enrollment Rights form to each person applying for medical
. Maintain the enrollment forms and other necessary records to enable Principal Life Insurance Company to
determine the current classification, benefits, current beneficiary designation, and termination data for each
insured person. Any changes in beneficiary designations must be maintained and made available to Principal Life
upon request.
. Verify that the insureds are covered under the terms of the Group Policy, considering eligibility for coverage,
effective date, and termination.
. Provide health statement forms to applicants as required and ensure that those forms are submitted to Principal
Life on a timely basis.
. Make all records and data related to this group insurance available to Principal Life for audit upon request,
including home addresses of insured employees.
. Provide notice to eligible employees regarding the change in insurance carriers and distribute benefit and
contribution information to each eligible employee either via online access or paper copy (including, but not
limited to, the Benefits At A Glance (BAAG) and a booklet-certificate).
Group Name
City of Salina
Job title
City Manager
GP 50522
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