Study Session Follow-up September 19, 1994 STUDY SESSION FOLLOWUP - 9/19/94 AGENDA ITEMS USD 305 Report on Technolo.Kv Improvements Made Possible by Cable TV Franchise by ,Jerry Brown of USD 305 · Discussed the advantages of a fiber optic network both for the school district and the City · Illustrated the potential capabilities of fiber optics and provided samples of how these capabilities can be used · Described the type of fiber optic wire used, future capacity of the proposed network and the advantages of using the different frequencies. CITIZENS OPEN FORUM ITEMS None OPEN POLICY TIME Commissioner Maxwell expressed concern about 25 MPH speed limit at Kenwood Park by the locomotive during icy conditions. She also expressed some concerns for some of the Comprehensive Plan amendments. Roy Dudark provided an explanation for the amendments. REQUESTS OF STAFF - Study Session or City Commission meeting None HANDOUTS - Fiber optic network discussion handouts